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Yoongi woke up to go get breakfast. When he went downstairs, he was greeted by a surprise.

"Guess what Yoongi! Starting Monday, you will moving into one of the school's dorms. I signed you up for it!"

Said Yoongi's mother. Yoongi was really shocked. 

"Monday, you need to collect your key at the reception. After breakfast, go pack your things. Sorry if you don't want to, but It will be good for you. Trust me." 

Yoongi didn't want to, but he took his mothers word for it. He believed this was for the best.. After breakfast, Yoongi packed all his clothes, shampoo, everything important to him. He packed a family photo of him, his mum and his dad in the suitcase too. He went back downstairs.

"I packed... Who is my roommate going to be?"

Yoongi asked. 

"I am not sure, it's random. You'll find out when you go to your dorm there. Don't worry, you can come visit me on weekends, and after school on week days!" 

His mother acted happy, but Yoongi saw she was still quite sad that he was leaving. But, like she said, this was for the best. 

~Time skip: Monday morning~

Yoongi woke up, as usual. He washed and got dressed. He took his things and went to his mother downstairs. 

"I will drive you today."

His mother said. Yoongi had a quick bowl of cereal and they both went to the car. When they arrived, Yoongi kissed his mother on the cheek, said goodbye and went to the reception at the school. 

"Hi.. i'm here to collect my dorm key."

Yoongi said nervously, he was anxious on who his roommate would be.

"What's your name?"

The receptionist asked. 

"M-min Yoongi..."

Yoongi said.

"Well, you don't have to go to lessons today so you can settle down. Have a nice day~"

She said.  

Yoongi tried his best to not get too anxious, but he couldn't help it. The receptionist gave him the key and a map on where the dorm is. Yoongi made his way to the other side of the school, where all the dorms were. Luckily it wasn't too hard to get to. When he got in, he saw a decent sized living room, kitchen, one bathroom and two bedrooms. There was a balcony as well, plus the dorm was on the top floor so it was the best view. Yoongi was happy with it. His roommate wasn't their yet. Luckily, the dorm already had a nice sofa, TV, stove, basically everything. All Yoongi had to do was decorate. The receptionist did say that he could have the day off, so he was happy about that. 

Yoongi got bored, he remembered something he packed. He went in the suit case an took out his X-Box. He set everything up and started to play some games. He heard the door open and shut again. He looked at the door and saw... 

Kim Seokjin. Out of all people, his roommate was Seokjin... 

"Um, hello.. I am your roommate.. My name is Kim Seokjin, but Jin is fine..." 

He said. He sounded nervous, even more nervous than Yoongi. 

"Oh, my name is Yoongi..." 

"Wait, aren't you the guy I spoke to on Instagram?"

Jin asked. Yoongi's heart started to race.

"Yeah.. that's me."

Yoongi said... 

~Yoonjin: Lie~Where stories live. Discover now