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Yoongi was on the bus. Soon enough, he was at the train station. "One ticket to Busan, please." Yoongi said to the lady at the desk.

After Yoongi had his ticket, he waited at the platform for the train. He got on the train and it started moving. He couldn't wait to see Jin.

Jin: yoongi, what if you get hurt? What if they shoot you?

Yoongi: They won't.

Jin: I'm sorry this happened...

Yoongi: Dont you dare go blaming yourself now...

Jin: Ok...

Yoongi rested his head on the window of the train. A tear left his eyes. What if he did die trying to rescue Jin? He was terrified, but he wanted to do this. It was worth a try.

A while later and Yoongi arrived in Busan. He got off and got a bus to Jimin's parents neighbourhood. He came across their house, he was hoping to god they were home. He rang the door bell and was so pleased when Jimin's mother opened the door.

"Yoongi? What are you doing here?" Jimin's mother asked. "I... I need to ask something. You know Taehyung?" "Yeah? What about him?" She asked. "Well, where does he live?" He asked. "Oh, you came all the way from Seoul to Busan to ask that? Why didn't you just message him and ask?" Jimin's mother asked. Yoongi didn't want to tell the truth, so he lied and said "I was coming to Busan anyways and Tae wouldn't reply to me. This is really urgent too." Yoongi lied. "Oh ok, well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I know his house is all the way in Daegu..." she frowned. Yoongi sighed, it was going to be a very long journey. She gave him the address and asked him if he wanted a drink. She new Yoongi personally, since Jimin and him used to be close friends. "No Thankyou, I really must go. Thankyou so much!" Yoongi bowed. Jimin's mother reached in her purse and took out 50,000 won (£34.64). She handed it to Yoongi. "Use it to buy food for your journey. You will get hungry..." she smiled. Yoongi hesitated at first but in the end took it. He bowed and thanked her. He then left to catch another train. He bought some snacks for the train and left some snacks for Jin.

Yoongi was on the train once again. A lady with a cart full of food and coffee walked past Yoongi. "Are you hungry? Do you want a snack?" She asked. Yoongi shook his head. "No thanks." He responded. She nodded her head and left.

Soon, Yoongi was in Daegu. He decided to get a cab to where he needed to be. He got in, paid and the driver drove him to Taehyung's neighbourhood. "Number.. 27..." Yoongi looked up, he saw the house 'number 27' across the street. So he walked over there, and knocked on the door. Hoseok answered. "Yoongi? What the hell are you doing here? You need to leave." Hoseok said. "You have something that I want back.." yoongi growled. "How did you- Jin texted you didn't he? Shit.. we should have checked his pockets.." Hoseok muttered. Yoongi took out his pocket knife. "Let me in." He threatened. Hoseok got a little scared. "Tae" Hoseok was about to call out for Taehyung, but Yoongi covered his mouth. "I want Jin back." Yoongi whispered. Jungkook saw Yoongi. "H-he knows?! What? Yoongi, leave. You aren't wanted here!" He yelled. He saw the knife in his hand. Jungkook was quick to grab Yoongi. Jimin and Namjoon came, helping Jungkook. Taehyung came out of nowhere. "Well then, what do we have here? Yoongi-ah? What are you doing here on this fine day?" Taehyung smirked. "Let me go..!" Yoongi yelled. They dragged him inside and took him to the basement. They threw him down in there and locked the door.

Jin was over on the chair, asleep. Yoongi noticed him. He crawled over to him and caressed his cheek. "Jin hyung... I'm here.." Yoongi whispered. Jin's eyes fluttered open. "Y-yoongi? What.. are you doing here?! You shouldn't have come for me!" Jin started to tear up. "Hey... I know you are upset, but we will get out of this. I promise. When I'm done with them, they will be sorry." Yoongi said. Jin nodded. "I'm sorry... Yoongi.." Jin sobbed. The door opened. Taehyung went down the stairs. "You made the wrong decision to come here, Yoongi." Taehyung smirked. "No! I want to be with him. I won't let you do anything to him.." yoongi yelled. "Is that so?" Taehyung laughed, mockin Yoongi. Yoongi snarled at Taehyung. Two more boys, Jimin and Hoseok came down. They grabbed Yoongi and tied him to a chair, really tightly.

"No! Stop!" Yoongi yelled. Before he could say anything else, they gagged him. "We won't blindfold you, Hyung..." Jimin smirked. Yoongi almost sobbed. He just wanted to take Jin home with him. What were they going to do? Are they going to hurt Jin? Yoongi started to cry. He felt nauseous, disgusted with himself. Why didn't he use his knife when he had the chance? He felt stupid. He saw Taehyung kick Jin to the floor. Hoseok and Jimin grabbed him while Taehyung tied Jins arms and legs together. "N-no!" Jin cried. Seeing Jin sob made Yoongi want to kill whoever was hurting Jin, then cuddle Jin in his arms.

The next few hours went by. Yoongi saw Jin get beaten. It hurt, seeing Jin in that state. Jin was bloody, bruised and shaking. Yoongi just stared, tears running down his cheeks. He was going to make Taehyung pay for what he has done to Jin, one way or another.

Time went on, Yoongi was still crying as he watched Jin getting hurt. "You know Jin, you are really pretty up close.." Taehyung smirked. Jin didn't answer him, though. He was in the corner of the room, his knees to his chest, sobbing. Yoongi was hoping to god that Taehyung hadn't broken Jin. He wanted Jin to be sane. "Answer me, slut!" Taehyung slapped Jin across the face. It was painful for Yoongi to watch. He wanted to end all of this and go home.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry i didn't release it yesterday, but I was busy! What is your favourite Jin ship?
Tell me in the comments! Hehe~~ byeeeeee~

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