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It was Tuesday. Yoongi woke up and got changed into a black and white striped t shirt, black skinny jeans and a denim jacket. He went to the bathroom and washed, and went to the living room, where he saw Seokjin wearing a pink hoodie and black skinny jeans. 

"M-morning..." Yoongi said. Jin looked up at him and spoke.

"I made you toast...Sorry if you don't like toast, i can make you something else..." 

Yoongi looked on the counter and saw two pieces of toast, with jam on. 

"No, toast is fine. Thanks, you didn't have to.." Yoongi said as he sat down to eat.

"Do you want some coffee?" Asked Jin. "Or, maybe tea?" He added. 

"You're making some?" Asked Yoongi.

"Yeah." Jin said. "I'll have coffee, if you don't mind.." Asked Yoongi. Jin made two cups of coffee and he sat by Yoongi. They both were silent for a few minutes. Finally, Jin spoke.

"Do you think.. You could tell your friends not to bother me today?"

Yoongi felt really guilty. 

"I'll try." Said Yoongi. He didn't really look at Jin when he said it. He finished his toast and coffee and decided to leave the dorm to find his friends. When Yoongi left, so did Jin. 

"What lesson do you have first..?" Asked Jin.

"Maths... what about you?" Yoongi said. "I have maths too.." Said Jin. "Oh, ok..." Yoongi added. Yoongi and Jin were outside now, Yoongi saw all his friends by a tree. "Bye Jin, i am going to my friends now." Said Yoongi, leaving Jin by a bench.

"Hey Yoongi!" Said Jimin.

"Hey guys.." 

"So, who's this Seokjin guy?" Asked Namjoon. 

"Oh.. uhh..." Yoongi was scared to answer the question, but he did anyway. "It's the new kid... His name is Seokjin, but people just call him Jin." Yoongi stuttered.

The others burst out laughing.. Yoongi felt awful, scared, mad and embarassed. 

"What?! Your roomate is the new kid!? HA!!" Hoseok giggled. 

"We should teach him a lesson." Said Taehyung.

"For what?" Yoongi said, confused. What did Jin do? "For being your roomate! It should have been one of us, not him. I feel bad for you." Taehyung said. Jin was sat on a bench.

"We have 30 minutes till we need to be at class, we have time." Said Jimin. So, all of them including Yoongi went over to Seokjin. 

"Seokjin? That's your name?" Said Taehyung. Jin nodded... He looked anxious, terrified even. All of them, including Yoongi surrounded him. No one was arround, Jin looked at Yoongi and started to cry.

"Don't look at him!" Taehyung said, followed by a really hard slap. "Oh my god he's crying, what a freak!" Jimin laughed. "Is he seriously wearing pink? Freak!" Namjoon added. Yoongi started to feel sick. He had to say something, to add to it. "Yeah, what a weirdo. Why did you have to be my fucking roommate? I hate you!" Yoongi said. He felt like shit after saying that. He wanted to run away and hide. Taehyung started to beat him, Jimin and Namjoon joined in, so did Hoseok. Taehyung gestured at Yoongi to come join in.. and he did. Yoongi punched Seokjin in the face, and Jin's nose started to bleed heavily. REALLY heavily. 

"Oooh! You made him bleed badly! Haha, nice one." Said Taehyung. Yoongi laughed, but on the inside he wanted to die right now. Jin started to sob. "Shut the fuck up!" Said Hoseok. They continued to beat him, until they stopped and went to class. Yoongi wanted to help Jin, but he just went to class. 

Jin was in pain, he was bleeding. He decided not to go to class, and he made his way back to his dorm. He was bleeding a lot. He got back to his dorm and went to the bathroom to take a shower to wash off all the blood. When he got out, he had to clean the cuts and put cream on them. He had a huge bruise on his ribs, a cut on his cheek, a bruised nose, bruises and cuts all up his legs and arms. He bandaged up the cuts and put plasters on the small ones. He put a white jumper and black jeans on.

"Ow..." Jin said as he put his clothes on, he was in so much pain. He limped to the couch and sat down, falling asleep. A few hours later and school was over for the day. Jin was still asleep when Yoongi came in. Yoongi opened the door, and saw a few drops of blood on the floor, probably from the bloody nose Jin had. Yoongi saw Jin wake up from the couch.

Jin started to cough, but he coughed up blood. He ran past Yoongi and went to the sink in the bathroom. At this point, Yoongi felt so bad. He wanted to just run away with Jin, and keep him safe away from them.. But that was only a fantasy. Yoongi sat on the sofa and saw Jin come out of the bathroom. Jin looked at Yoongi and started to cry. 

"I wish I wasn't your roommate!" Jin yelled. Yoongi was hurt by his words, but no where near as hurt as Jin was feeling. Jin ran to his room crying. Yoongi went to his room as well. Yoongi just read a book to try and not think about it too much, but nothing could take his mind off the guilt. Yoongi wanted to talk to Jin, but he was too ashamed to talk to him. Yoongi then heard Jin's door open as footsteps to the bathroom, followed by puking sounds. Seokjin was throwing up.. Yoongi felt really bad.. He then heard Jin sob and go back to his room.

Yoongi felt the least he could do was make him food, so Yoongi went to the kitchen to make Seokjin food. He made him japchae, since he was good at making that. He finished making it and he knocked on Jin's door. Since Jin didn't answer, Yoongi went in with the bowl of japchae. He saw Jin sat on his pink bed, with headphones in, facing the wall and just in a ball sobbing.Yoongi saw his phone and he was listening to a song called "Panic Room", Yoongi had heard that song before... and to be honest, Jin must feel so anxious right now. Yoongi tapped Jin's shoulder. Jin turned around and took off his head phones. 

"What do you want? Why are you in my room?" Jin asked, as he wiped away a tear.

"I brought you food.. I made you japchae." Yoongi said as he sat next to Jin. He passed Jin the bowl. Jin tried to eat, but his arms were really weak and he couldn't. "You.. c-cant ear?" Yoongi asked nervously. "My arms.. are so weak.." Jin said. Yoongi took the bowl and told Jin to open his mouth. Jin was confused but he did it anyway. Yoongi fed him. Jin started to cry again. "I thought you would tell them to stop, and why did you join in..?" Yoongi's heart broke. "Why did you lie to me..." Jin said.

"I'm... sorry." Yoongi said. They were silent after, and Jin had finished the food. Yoongi went back to his room. 

"Why did you lie to me?" Kept playing over and over in Yoongi's head for the rest of the night. 

"Why did you lie to me, Min Yoongi?" "Why do you and your friends hate me?" "Why didn't you tell them to stop?" 

~Yoonjin: Lie~Where stories live. Discover now