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Jin was alone in the cold basement. He just wanted to go back to the dorm and see Yoongi. Suddenly, the door clicked and opened. Hoseok came down the stairs. "Hey... um.." Hoseok started a sentence before Jin interrupted. "Am I going home? If not, I don't care." Jin spoke to Hoseok with attitude. "So, you don't want to shower and have food?" Hoseok smirked. Jin's eyes met with Hoseok's. "Yes! Of course I do!" Jin raises his voice. "Ok, follow me then." Hoseok reached down and untied Jin and took off his blindfold. They went up the stairs and Hoseok let Jin into the bathroom. "You can have an hour. I'm going to be waiting outside, don't try anything. If you aren't out in an hour, I'm coming in. Whether you are wearing clothes or not." Hoseok said with a smirk, Jin felt his cheeks going red. He closed the bathroom door and went in his pocket, to his relief he felt his phone. He saw that it was on silent.

Jin saw how many missed calls he had and how many texts from Yoongi he had.

~on text~
Yoongi: jin?? Where are you? Please respond I'm so worried!!

Yoongi: Hyung? I miss you! Please come back..

Yoongi: Jin? Do you not love me anymore?

Jin sobbed at that. He decided to message Yoongi.

Jin: Yoongi.. I'm so sorry.. I'm ok, and I wish I could come back.. but I can't.

Yoongi: Jin! Where are you? Why can't you come back? I really really miss you...

Jin: you see... I'm kinda held hostage...

Yoongi: WHAT?! OH MY GOD!! Jin, do you know where you are?

Jin: no.. all I know is that it's Taehyungs house...

Yoongi: Tae? Seriously? Why is he kidnapping you? I am going to call the police Jin!

Jin: ok... I'm terrified. I have to go... I need to shower. Bye... I love you so much..

Yoongi: I love you too. Please be safe... I don't know what I would do if something happened to you and I swear to god if they even touch you I will kill them!!

Jin undressed and stepped in the shower. He washed his hair and soon he was done. He put his clothes on and opened the bathroom door. He made sure to keep his phone in his pocket and on silent. "You done?" Hoseok asked. "Yeah..." Jin nodded. "Well... We need to go to the kitchen now." Jin was lead to a fairly big kitchen.

Namjoon was cooking something. The food smelt ok, but Jin could probably cook better. He wasn't complaining, though. "Hey Jin.. I made you food." Namjoon smiled. He placed it on a plate and put it on the table. "I made you japchae!" He said. "He doesn't care about what you made him Namjoon." Taehyung said, standing by the doorway. "Whatever, I was just making conversation." Namjoon shrugged.

Jin sat down and ate. The food wasn't too bad, better than nothing anyway. When Jin was done, he was taken back to the basement. Damn did he hate that basement. He was put in there, but for some reason they didn't tie him to the chair. They just locked the door and left. Jin took this as an opportunity to text Yoongi.

Jin: yoongi!!

Yoongi: Jin?! You are ok? I called the police and gave them as much details as I can, they're looking for you.

Jin: ok, good. Do you know where Taehyungs house is..?

Yoongi: I don't... I do know where Jimins house is though, WAIT!

Jin: huh?

Yoongi: I think Jimins parents know Taehyungs parents and know where he lives. And I also know that Taehyungs parents are on a vacation. I could maybe go to Jimins parents house and ask?

Jin: really? This is good!!!

Yoongi: But, it might be hard because I don't have a car and they live quite far away. I'll try and take a bus.

Jin: wait.. yoongi...

Yoongi: what?

Jin: I don't want you getting hurt. Don't come here, I would hate to see you dead..

Yoongi: I won't die Jin. Don't say that. I'll rescue you and we can be together again, ok?

Jin: Yoongi.. I.. SHIT someone's coming! I gotta go, bye.!!!!

Jin shoved his phone in his pocket and sat on the chair. Taehyung came down into the basement. "Hey, cutie." Tae smirked. "Don't call me that!" Jin yelled. Taehyung slapped Jin across the face. "Don't yell at me, or I'll hurt you." He muttered. Jin held his hand up to his cheek, where Taehyung had slapped. It was now sore and red. "When will you let me go?" Jin asked. "When I'm bored of you." Taehyung responded. Those words made Jin shiver. Will Tae ever get bored of him? What if he never does? Jin didn't want to die in this dirty, dark basement. Jin started to sob. "You say Yoongi thinks of me as just a toy, so what are you doing? You are treating me like an object! An item! I am a human you know?!" Jin shouted. Taehyung smirked. "You don't get it, do you?" Jin looked confused. "You ARE an item. Yeah, you are pretty. I want you to myself. I don't want Yoongi to have you, you are mine and only mine. You are an object, to me as well. But don't worry, I'll let everyone here use you, I share~" Taehyung chuckled. Jin wanted to throw up. He kept it down though. Taehyung left the room. Locking the door after him.

Jin: Yoongi.. help... I'm really scared...

Yoongi: whats wrong? Did they hurt you?! I should leave to find you now.

Jin: no don't, just let the police do it. They have guns, I'm pretty sure.

Yoongi: what are they planning on doing to you?

Jin: I'm not sure, but Taehyung was saying how I'm just an object to them! I'm scared.. I don't want to be used...

Yoongi was really mad. He wanted to just kill them all, and then take Jin in his arms and cuddle him, like jin was a teddy bear.

Yoongi: Jin, whatever you do, you have to stay sane for me, can you do that?

Jin: I'm not sure.. what if they kill me when they are done with me? What if they hurt me? Rape me? I don't want that to happen!

Yoongi: it wont! Calm down, Jin. I love you, I won't let them. I am doing my best... ugh I can't take this... I'm coming to find you. I'm sick of waiting.

Jin: what? No! You can't!

Yoongi: no, I am. Don't try to stop me.

Yoongi grabbed a knife and put it in his pocket. He waited at the bus stop, he needed to catch a bus to the train station, where he would catch a train to Busan, where Jimin's parents lived. He wanted Jin back and he would do whatever  it took.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this part... sorry if you don't lmao. Anyway, I am kinda just uploading a few chapters right now, since I have nothing else to do and I'm feeling inspired, I'm just going to write the next one, haha. Byeeee~

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