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It was Monday morning. Jin and Yoongi were walking to class, when they bumped into Taehyung. Jin looked at the floor. "Oh, h-hey.." Taehyung awkwardly said. Jin looked up "Hey...". "I... was just going to class.." taehyung nervously chuckled. Yoongi didn't really say anything. "Oh... ok, me and Yoongi are too... See you.." Jin said. Taehyung walked the other way while Yoongi and Jin made it to their classroom. When they got in, they saw Jimin. "Hey!" Jimin smiled, seeming much less awkward than Taehyung. "Oh, hi Jimin.." Jin said, then taking his seat by the window. Yoongi sat next to him, in between Jimin and Jin. Jimin turned to Yoongi and said "hey..." Jimin blushed. "Oh, um.. hey?" Yoongi awkwardly said. Jin just stared out the window, listening to music. "Are you free after school?" Jimin asked. "Yeah.. I'm free." Yoongi said. "Ok, I know a cool cafe and park we can hang out at, just me and you!" Jimin smiled. "Ok... I guess." Yoongi smiled.

A few hours later and classes were over. Jin was already at the dorm, he was just in his room doing work. Yoongi knocked on Jins door. "Jin?" He asked. He opened the door and Jin looked up at him. "Oh hi Yoongi! Did you need something?" He asked. "Yeah... I will be out for a while, I'm going to hang out with Jimin, ok?" Yoongi smiled. Jin smiled. "Ok... have fun!" Yoongi waved goodbye to him and he left the house. He met Jimin outside the school, and they walked to the cafe to get drinks.

"Hey, what can I get you?" The lady at the cafe asked. "Can I get 2 iced lattes?" Jimin asked. "Sure thing. What's your name's?" She asked. "I'm Jimin, this is Yoongi." Jimin smiled. She wrote their names on the cups and they waited at the end. Soon their iced lattes were ready, they took them and went to the park.

They sat on the swings. "How's your drink? Do you like it?" Jimin asked. "It's good!" Yoongi smiled.

~Jimin POV~
I looked at him, he was so beautiful. I couldn't help but blush when I looked at him. Whenever he looked at me, I could feel myself burning up. I know he's in love with Jin, and nothing against Jin but I really need to try to win this boys heart. I will do whatever it takes.

~No POV~
"Jimin? Are you ok?" Yoongi asked. "Oh!" Jimin snapped back into reality. "I'm good! Sorry, I was daydreaming... haha..." he nervously chuckled. "Ok then. Hey, sorry to be boring but I should get back now. I promised Jin I would cook tonight since he always cooks." Yoongi smiled. "This was fun, we should do it again. Bye Jiminie~" before yoongi could leave, Jimin grabbed him, turned him around and kissed him on the lips. Yoongi kissed back for a minute, but then realised what he had done. He pushed Jimin away. "No... I can't... I have a boyfriend!" Yoongi sighed. "Why did you do that Jimin?" "Because..."

Someone shouted Yoongi's name. He turned around and saw Taehyung. "What have you done?! Why are you kissing Jimin? Wait till Jin hears!" He shouts. "What? No! He kissed me!" Yoongi got nervous. Taehyung ran away. Yoongi left trying to spring after him, but he was too late. When he got back to his dorm, he saw Jin crying. "H-Hyung...?" Yoongi stuttered. "Leave me alone.." Jin sobbed. "I... I didn't kiss Jimin, Jimin kissed me... please believe me.." Yoongi started to sob as well. "Why didn't you push him away straight away then?!" Jin got up and went to his room, slamming the door. "Jin... I'm really sorry! I was overwhelmed... please understand! I love you!" Yoongi sobbed. "Leave me alone..." Yoongi left and went to his room.

~On text~

Yoongi: what the hell Jimin?!

Jimin: look I'm sorry ok?!

Yoongi: forget it! You have possibly ruined my relationship with Jin!

Jimin: Well, he loves Taehyung anyway, why would he believe Tae over you?

Yoongi: No! He doesn't! You are lying. I want you to get your ass over here and explain to Jin, NOW!

Jimin: Not happening.

-Jimin has blocked Yoongi-

Yoongi sighed. Why did this have to happen? He decided to make Jin a bowl of ramen. He got to the kitchen and started to make it, when he heard more sobs coming from Jin's room. When Yoongi had finished making the ramen, he placed it on the table infront of the couch and went to Jin's room. He knocked the door. "Go away.." Yoongi heard Jin say. He opened the door. "What are you- I said go away!" Jin sobbed. Yoongi didn't listen to him. He picked Jin up like he weighed nothing, took him to the living room and put him on the couch. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped Jin in it. He passed Jin the ramen. "It might be hot, so be careful.." Yoongi muttered. Jin stayed quiet, he ate the ramen. "Now, will you let me explain exactly what happened?" Yoongi asked. Jin sighed and nodded his head. "I was hanging out with Jimin, we got coffee and hung out at the park. I wanted to leave to come see you and cook for you, but as I was about to leave, he grabbed me and kissed me. It was all too much to take in and I was really shocked. For a moment, I kissed back. Then I pushed him away and told him it wasn't right. Taehyung saw, and told you. Tae didn't know the whole story. I messaged Jimin about it to tell him to apologise to you, but he refused. I really am sorry.... I love you hyung.." Yoongi sighed. "I-I believe you... and... I'm sorry for not listening to you at first..." Yoongi blushed. "Really? Thanks Hyung..." Yoongi took Jins empty bowl and washed it. "Do you need a drink?" He asked. "No... thanks I'm ok." Jin smiled. Yoongi sat by Jin on the couch. He turned the TV on and put Netflix up. "We can watch a movie, ok?" Yoongi smiled. "O-ok..."

An hour later, the movie was finished. "Um, you ok Hyung?" Yoongi asked Jin. Yoongi put a horror movie on, and Jin was scared of horror movies. Jin was hugging into Yoongi like a small child. "Hyung it's ok, it's just a movie." Yoongi chuckled. "I..I don't like horror movies.." Jin pouted. "Haha.. don't worry about it. I'm here!" Yoongi smiled, showing his gums. "We should sleep now." "How can I sleep? I'll have nightmares!" Jin whined. "Ah, you're like a little kid! Fine, you can come sleep in my room." Yoongi sighed. "U-uh... ok.. thanks..." Jin said. They got into their pyjamas, went to Yoongi's room and fell asleep.

Hey guyyyysss~ thanks for reading!! Please comment and vote! Also, in upcoming chapters I'm thinking about adding some Vkook/taekook and Jihope?! Would you like that?? :D anyway, bye guysssss~~

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