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It had been an hour since school was over and Jin still wasn't back at his dorm. Yoongi started to get worried. Yoongi called Jin multiple times, but no answer.


"He's calling me because he cares Tae! I don't want to be with you, get that through your thick skull." Jin said, Taehyung's fists clenched. "Just let me go! I am sick of you, you're sick!" Jin felt a fist to the jaw as he said that. Jin wanted to hold his jaw, but his arms were tied down. "Don't talk to me like that." Taehyung walked into another room. Jin wanted to know what he was doing. Taehyung came back after a while. A few minutes later, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok came to the dorm. Jin started getting nervous. They left him where he was for a few hours. Jin could hear his phone ringing multiple times, he guessed from Yoongi.

Midnight came around. Students weren't allowed to roam the school at this time unless leaving the building. "Grab him." Taehyung said. Jimin and Jungkook ran over to him and picked Jin up, not letting him move. Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin left the dorm. Taehyung managed to find a way to sneak out without being seen. There was a white van in the road parked. Before leaving, Jungkook put a blindfold and cloth around jin's mouth, so he couldn't see or speak. They were inside the van now. Jin heard a familiar voice. It sounded like Namjoon's. "Guess you're feeling mad, eh Tae Tae?" Namjoon chuckled. "Just drive." Taehyung instructed. Namjoon drove. Jin felt really scared, he felt the van going really fast. What if they crashed and died? Jin couldn't make out who was next to him until they spoke. "You know Jin, you're beautiful.." He could make out that as Jungkook speaking. Jungkook's hand stroked Jin's face, Jin flinched a little. "Stop it Jungkook. Tae will get mad." Jimin said. Jin was in the middle of Jimin and Jungkook. Hoseok sat next to Jimin, as it had 4 seats in the back and Taehyung sat in the front, while Namjoon drove the van. "Take the cloth around his mouth off." Taehyung instructed. Jimin took it off, as Taehyung said. "W-where are you taking me..?" Jin asked, shaking. "That's for us to know, and you to find out.. cutie~" Taehyung said. Jin just wanted to be with Yoongi... Yoongi was probably wondering where Jin was, and what if Yoongi thought Jin was cheating and broke up with him? Jin started to tear up. He didn't want that to happen... he loved Yoongi so much and would never do that to him.

Soon, they arrived at a building. Taehyung turned to Jin and said "You will be staying here for a while, cutie." Jin sobbed. He wanted to go back to his dorm.

Yoongi was getting extremely worried. He had called Jin loads of times, and he wasn't answering. He looked everywhere. Yoongi went back to the dorm. As soon as he got in, he broke down on his knees and cried. He had his back against the wall and his knees to his chest as he sat their, sobbing. He wanted Jin back. He wanted to hug him. Was Jin sick of Yoongi? Did he not love him anymore? Did he run away so he wouldn't be with Yoongi anymore? Yoongi sobbed harder at the thoughts.

Taehyung grabbed Jin and took him out the van. Namjoon and Jungkook grabbed both of Jins arms and lead him inside the building. They went down some steps and came to a basement. Namjoon threw Jin on a chair and tied him to it, blindfolding him. "Stop crying. It's getting annoying." Namjoon said. Jin wanted to slap him, but of course... he couldn't.

"All of you leave." Came a voice. It sounded like Taehyung, but Jin couldn't really see anyone so he wasn't too sure. He heard a few people run up the stairs and the door shut. "You're really cute, ya know?" Taehyung smirked. "P-please.. just let me go." Jin sobbed. "Why? So you can go be with that traitor, Yoongi? Don't cry over him, don't miss him." Jin got mad at Taehyung's words. "I love Yoongi, not you!" Jin yelled. "Don't make me gag you Jin..." taehyung said, intimidating Jin. "N-no... please no..." Jin sobbed. He felt weight on his lap. Taehyung had sat on Jin's lap and Jin could tell Taehyung was really close to his face. "You know, whenever I was beating you up.. I couldn't stop myself from looking at those plump lips..." Taehyung chuckled. "I don't want to kiss you! I don't want to be near you! Let me go!" Jin was getting feisty. "Aw, you're cute when you are mad..." taehyung laughed. "I said.. let me go." Jin sobbed more. Taehyung didn't bother answering Jin's demand. Instead, he pushed his lips onto Jin's. Making Jin try and wriggle away, but failing as he was tied down really tightly.

"Stop wriggling Jin..." taehyung muttered. "Stop kissing me!" Jin shouted. Taehyung pulled away. "Why? You only want Yoongi to kiss you? You are just a slut to him Jin. He thinks of you as a toy, when he's done with you, you will be damaged and he would have found someone else to do the same thing." Taehyung smirked, knowing Jin couldn't see him. "What? No! Stop lying to me. Yoongi isn't like that, he doesn't rush anything! He's sweet, caring and kind to me. Just leave me alone!" Jin sobbed. He knew Taehyung was lying. "I'm not lying Hyung... I'm being honest with you. I'm going to be honest, but all Yoongi wants from you is your body and your pretty face. Since when did he care about personality and shit? Never." Taehyung coldly said to Jin. Jin just wanted to leave, he knew Taehyung wasn't speaking the truth, but the more Jin denied it the more Taehyung would lie and make Jin feel worse. "Why did you have to take me here? Where even are we?" Jin asked. "We are in my house." Taehyung smiled. "Why?" Jin asked. "Aish~ How many questions are you going to ask me hyung?!" Taehyung said, intimidating Jin. "S-sorry..." Jin spoke.

"Whatever... cutie."

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