virginia beach

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Side note- all characters/themes belong to Alexandra Bracken, I'm just writing this fanfic for fun and because I've fallen in love with The Darkest Minds series. Please leave comments on anything, (things I could improve ect) and I hope you enjoy!
-Hannah xx

Ruby's POV
I'd always loved going to Virginia beach for the summer, staying with my grams in her run down beach house overlooking the ocean. Every morning I'd wake up and instantly see it, sometimes it could be daunting really. It felt like you were drawn to it, the waves pulling you under, filling your lungs with salty sea water just to emerge once more against the surf. But I loved it there, all the possibilities, it made me feel well, free.

I'd spent the summer down at Virginia beach, working at the ice cream parlour. It was tedious at times; the same boys who visited everyday dripping wet with their sly smirks upon their faces. As my boss Alexandra would say- 'They weren't just there for the ice cream'. But apart from that, I loved the job really, sneaking scoops of ice cream when business was low and taste testing all the new batches when they came in. Yeah, the boys could be annoying but there was one that I just couldn't shake.

He wouldn't come in everyday day, but on the days he did, he'd meet with me with his piercing blue eyes and shape his lips as if he were about so say something. Before he ever got a word out, he'd then shake his head, look down at his feet and rub the back of his neck; the tips of his ears flushing pink. No sooner than he had received his ice cream, he'd mumble a thanks underneath his breath and bolt out on the door, leaving me breathless and confused as always. He crossed my mind regularly whilst I was working, almost always when I was serving blueberry.

Liam's POV
I'd always liked coming down to Virginia beach with my family, staying in our beach house overlooking the ocean. I loved the ocean, how it could be so daunting and beautiful at the same time. I especially liked the days when we'd go down to the beach and I'd sit on the rocks staring into the ocean whilst my family played volleyball. Being honest, I was the shittiest at volleyball, any sport that contained balls really. But once the game was over we'd all go and get ice cream, the rest of my family would go to the fancy parlour down the street, leaving me to make my way to the run down store with peeling pastel paint and and mismatched tables and chairs. Not only was the ice cream the greatest I'd ever tasted there, but there was this girl that always seemed to catch my eye.

All the boys would come into the store, dripping wet, trying to impress her with their lame attempts at pick-up lines, but she'd ignore them, turning her attention to her work. Every time I'd gone in there trying to muster up the courage to say something or even introduce myself, she'd stare at me with those emerald eyes with a look on her face as if she was trying to figure me out. And every time, I'd flush and embarrass myself, practically running out of the store without a second glance. I don't know why she had that kind of affect on me, nobody ever had before and to be honest I don't know why I kept going back. Maybe it was because of the girl, or maybe it was because they had the best blueberry ice cream I had ever tasted.

Ruby's POV
Today was my last day at Virginia beach, my last day of freedom. I'd packed up early at the ice cream parlour, saying my goodbyes to Alexandra and having one last scoop of ice cream. Usually I'd have my favourite- chocolate orange, but today something was different. As I reached for the chocolate orange, I changed my mind at the last second reaching for blueberry before I even registered what I was doing. And hey, tasting the ice cream, I definitely wasn't disappointed. It was the most delicious thing I'd ever had.

Tomorrow I'd have to go back home and face reality- school. A new school to be exact, and trust me on this- I was not looking forward to it. I'd be a junior this year and all I'd heard since I left Thurmond were the phrases 'full of possibilities' , 'a fresh start' and 'maybe you could make some new friends? It'd do you good.' But this wasn't what I thought of as I walked along the beach, the cold water splashing against my toes, the salty breeze in my hair. I thought about how happy I was in this moment and how I never wanted it to end. That was, until the volleyball hit me of course.

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