none of your business

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Side note- here's part four of my Darkest Minds fan fiction 'Inevitable'. I've had over one hundred reads so far which is crazy, thank you guys so much! All characters/themes belong to Alexandra Bracken.
-Hannah xx

Ruby's POV-
By the time we reached my house, the sky was on fire. Strokes of red, orange and yellow painted the horizon, casting a golden glow upon Liam's blonde hair. We hadn't noticed how fast the time had sped away from us as we sat underneath that willow tree, in utter bliss. We also hadn't noticed that my car was in fact still in the school parking lot. 'It just gives me an excuse to take you to school tomorrow then' Liam had said, smiling one of his adorable grins that I just couldn't resist. I struggled to clamber off the bike, catching my leg on the stand, falling to a tangled mess on the floor. Instead of helping me up, Liam stood there doubled over with laughter. I gave him the side eye, regaining composure, just as he stuck out a hand to pull me to my feet. Rolling my eyes but laughing along with him, I reached out to grab his hand, pulling him down with me onto the concrete. We laid on the sidewalk, a tangled heap of limbs as our bodies shook with uncontrollable laughter. He locked eyes with me, his blue eyes burning with passion as he traced my jawline, brushing my hair away for my face. Smiling sideways at him, I got to my feet suddenly awkward and self conscious.

"Well... um thanks for taking me, I um... had a great time." Dammit Ruby, why do you always have to ruin the moment? We were standing outside of my front door, shifting our feet awkwardly as Liam looked around him searching for a distraction. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said finally as a smile crept up his face. "What's so funny?" I asked, unsure of his sudden mood swing. "We're just so awkward aren't we darlin'." He laughed, instantly causing me do to the same. 

"I better go." I said finally, unwilling to leave this perfect moment but knowing my parents were probably waiting on the other side of the door, along with the enormous pile of homework that had stacked up throughout the day. We said our goodbyes and I entered my house, waiting for the wrath that would be my parents. I hadn't thought about them the whole time I was with Liam and I felt super guilty. I should've at least texted them, when I'd be back but no. In the moment I'd completely forgotten. I opened the door expecting them to shout at me and demand to know where I'd been but they weren't even in the house. I searched each room, fearing the worst until I saw grams preparing dinner in the kitchen. An aroma of spices and herbs filled the air as I pulled out my books beginning to work. How should I start this... "Hey Grams, so I basically went out with a boy I've been eyeing all summer, you don't know him, nor do I not really. But yeah, I had great fun!" Yeah, that was totally gonna go down well. "Hey, so um... Grams, about why I was late..." 

"Don't worry about it Ruby, your parents aren't here and trust me, I'm not one to snitch." I stared at her in shock, thrilled by her answer, jumping down from the kitchen stool wrapping my arms around her soft middle. 

The evening passed quickly, I completed all my homework still gleeful from my conversation with Grams earlier. By the time eleven pm rolled around, I was to buzzed from my meeting with Liam to even sleep. I pulled out my laptop, unsure of what to do until I remembered something my mum had mentioned to me before we had moved to the area. At first I was wary about the idea, unsure of wether I could even be of any help but my love for kids overwhelmed me and I searched for tutoring jobs near me. Many profiles popped up, but one seemed to catch my eye- a young girl called Suzume. She was in sixth grade and in the middle school just round the corner. Perfect. First Liam and now a job already? This was going to be a lot better than I had expected.

Vida's POV-

School was living hell. I never did get the point of school anyway. Like when would I ever need to know fucking algebra or all the elements in the periodic table? It was pointless and a waste of my time. That day, I had considered skipping school like normal but something inside me was telling me to go. And then, just before first period, Jude being the dickhead he was, decided to run into this girl and threw all my posters everywhere. I had planned to put posters all over the school about Friday the 13th to scare the shit out of all the freshmen but instead they ended up all over the floor along with the new girl- Ruby.

Ruby confused me. She didn't particularly look like I scared her, she just seemed relieved to make some friends I guess. I'd never really had friends before, yeah in elementary school but as soon as I started middle school, I guess I kinda kept to myself. Then, when Jude and Nico arrived at this school, I kinda made them my little sidekicks. It sounds so fucking sad now looking back on it. But to be honest, I suppose it was just so I didn't have to sit alone every lunch and look like a loner roaming the hallways. But I would never admit that to anyone. Ever.

Ruby's POV-
My second day of school. I can't say I was looking forward to it, but I was looking forward to seeing Liam. I also wanted to talk to that Vida girl again, she seemed nice but something was so unsettling about her. I felt like if I handed her a gun, she could blow my head off clean first try. But maybe I was just paranoid. No. I've always been told I trust people too easily. I'm pretty sure my assumptions were right.  I also wanted to find out why she hung out with those juniors, I would've though she'd be the kind of person that liked to be alone, but clearly I was wrong. 

Liam arrived at my house on his shiny silver motorcycle 'Lovely Rita' just as seven rolled around. I snuck out the front door, ensuring my parents didn't see Liam's ride. He greeted with me with one of his trademark smiles, handing me the helmet. "Hi." I said, breathless from the sight of him in a tight white tee and flannel draped over the top. "Hi," he returned, "you ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's get this over with." I sighed, still uneasy on his bike. I felt him laugh as I had my arms wrapped around his waist, my head resting on the back of his shoulder. 

We arrived at school shortly after, my hair windswept and eyes wild. "I guess this is where I leave you." He said, a trace of disappointment in his voice.
"Yeah." I said, unsure of what else to say.
"See you in chemistry?" He asked as he walked in the direction of the cafeteria. I nodded and he smiled, waving his hand goodbye as he rounded the corner.

I entered the school building, walking over to my locker when I saw a dark figure already standing there. Vida. Her blue hair was pulled up into a messy bun, showing her multiple ear piercings. She was dressed in blue ripped jeans and a leather jacket, adorned with patches and pins. I reckon'd she was the kind of girl that would love Liam's motorbike. "Hey Vida." I said, unsure of why she was standing in front of my locker. Like she'd wanna be friends with me.
"Hey Ruby, I was just um..." she started. For a second, a wave of embarrassment crossed her face but it was instantly replaced with her hard exterior once more. "I was wondering if you wanted to walk to class with me, since you're such a lonely bitch." Well, so much for seeing Vida's nice side, but I'm sure this was expected when hanging out with her. I laughed, replying "Yeah sure, as long as a certain someone doesn't knock me to the floor again." She laughed, her eyes and nose crinkling, yet didn't apologise. I reckoned Vida wasn't the kind of girl that apologised often. And when she did, it must be a rare occasion. 

We walked to our first class, filling the silence with mindless chatter until I finally asked her the question. I was meaning to the whole time. "So what's up with you, Jude and Nico?" Her face blanched, then took an angry expression.
"Why do you fucking care? It's none of your fucking business." She said, not shouting but loud enough for people to turn their heads. I ducked my own head, avoiding people's stares. "Oh ok, I'm sorry for asking." I almost whispered as we walked the rest of the way to first period in silence.

Hey, sorry for the short chapter, but this is my last day of summer holidays and I've been busy with preparing for school. Please comment any suggestions/improvements you have and thank you all so much for over 100 views! This is so crazy!
-Hannah xx

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