wouldn't change a thing

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Side note- here's the third part to my Darkest Minds fan fiction 'Inevitable'. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Also, I'm ranking #8 in the tdm category- this is insane! Please continue reading and comment anything (suggestions/improvements etc) and I hope you enjoy! Even if you've already read some of this, please continue because I've added so much (since it didn't save to begin with ugh). All characters/themes belong to Alexandra Bracken.
-Hannah xx

Ruby's POV-
The day seemed to drag on so slowly. Every class felt like an eternity as I was constantly watching the clock, counting down the minutes till lunch. I felt jittery, I couldn't seem to sit still. I was either tapping my foot against the floor, swinging back on my chair or clicking my pen between my thumb. Vida seemed to notice to, every now and then casting me glances out of the side of her eye when she thought I wasn't looking. But, I was. I suddenly seemed so aware of everything around me: people shuffling their papers, snapping ring binders closed, unwrapping some sort of food even though we weren't supposed to eat in class. And finally when the bell rang for lunch, I practically jumped out of my seat. I don't know what had gotten into me- it was like I was some hyperactive puppy that just couldn't sit still nor concentrate. I didn't know if these feeling were because of Liam or because my nerves were breaking through after all that build up. I never have been the type of girl to swoon over all the boys in my class, gossiping with friends about who did what with each other. It was never really like that at Thurmond.

Thurmond was strict, but I can't say it was all that bad. Yeah, the teachers were a pain in the ass and most of the kids too. But I had a friend, a best friend who was always there for me, and that made a lot more bearable.

Sam had been my best friend ever since my parents had enrolled me in Thurmond. I don't think they realised then how much the school had changed since my father had gone there. They'd thought it would be best for me- I could get the best education as possible which would set me up for later life. They were only trying to look out for me and help me reach my best potential but truthfully, that's not what I needed. I just needed my parents. Right now though, I needed to find Liam.

I practically flew through the corridors not bothering to wait for Vida to finally skulk out of the classroom. I had no clue what lesson Liam just had but as I pushed open the double doors I had seen him walk through hours earlier, I saw a golden head of hair leaning against the lockers talking to a boy fully kitted out in a football kit. That's funny, I thought, Liam had clearly pointed out that he was crap at sports and would never participate in a sports team like football. Straight after I thought this I immediately felt bad, I had jumped to conclusions. Liam could be friends with whoever he wanted. Pfft, I bet Liam was the most popular guy in the whole school. Like I'd ever have a chance with him. I composed myself buy taking a deep breath, smoothing my hair over one shoulder and adjusting my shirt. No sooner had I tapped the golden haired boy on his shoulder I realised I had made a mistake. A pair of grey eyes met mine as I stepped back, wringing my hands in front of me, feeling my face flush. This was not Liam. Yeah, sure he totally looked like Liam though- golden cropped hair, muscular back, tall and sharp cheekbones. But now taking this boy that was clearly not Liam in, I noticed the differences. Liam's hair was shorter- curling around the base of his neck whereas this boys drooped over his eyes, this boy was even taller than Liam, even more muscular and his eyes were a stormy grey not Liam's crystal blue. But the biggest difference was that his face was colder, more hostile and less gentle. "You're not Liam." I blurted before I even realised what I had said, covering my face with my hands.
"Well, clearly." The boy stated, "I'm much more handsome." If he was expecting me to laugh, I must have let him down, because I didn't. I just stood there looking like a complete idiot, gawking at this whole situation. "I'm Cole." He said simply, plainly as if expecting me to be impressed. And when I wasn't, he recovered himself by adding "and you must be new here."
"Um.. yeah. I am." I stuttered, utterly embarrassed and annoyed at myself. I turned to walk away when Cole grabbed me by the shoulder and twisted me back around.
"You know Gem," he began in a southern drawl almost identical to Liam's, Gem what the hell kind of nickname was that? He didn't even know who I was yet he decided to give me a nickname? What the actual fuck. "most people would be honoured to be talking to me you know." he finished, as if he was expecting to crawl onto my hands and knees and grovel at his feet. I walked away then, through the crowd of people that had come to watch the spectacle and called over my shoulder "Well, I'm not most people."

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