first day

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Side note- here's the second part to my Darkest Minds fan fiction 'Inevitable'. Please comment anything (improvements/suggestions etc) and add this story to your reading list! Anyways, I hope you guys like this and want me to continue. All characters/themes belong to Alexandra Bracken.
-Hannah xx

Ruby's POV-
My alarm clock blared at 6am sharp. Ugh, why did I have to go to school again? It's not like I'm actually learning anything valuable. Like, when am I ever going to need to use algebra and who cares if I can calculate how fast a car is going determined on its distance travelled and time taken? I leaned over to grab my phone from the dresser, switching the alarm of in the process. I checked my messages but still no answer from Sam. I don't know why I even bother trying to talk to her anymore after what happened but there's still a sliver of hope inside of me wondering if maybe one day, she'll actually pick up the phone.

I arrived at school with ten minutes to spare, pulling into the parking lot and making my way to the office. Being honest, I hate talking to strangers, anyone really but still, I walked over to the reception desk and explained my situation. The lady wasn't anything but kind, she handed me my schedule and a map of the school and explained all the basics I needed to know. Class was due to start in five minutes but I didn't dare pull out the map the secretary had given me, that would not make a good impression at all. Looking for room twelve, I headed down the corridor past the lockers as someone ran into me, scattering papers everywhere. I started gathering the papers that littered the hallway trying to find the source of the disruption when I heard an exasperated voice sigh "Judith, why are you such a dumbass? All I asked you to do was carry the papers, not to drop them all over the fucking floor."

I looked up then at the voice, met with a head of blue hair and an angry expression. "Jude, I swear to god, if you hurt that girl I'll grab all of those papers and shove them up your-"

"I'm fine." I said quickly, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Then trying to lighten the mood I added "I don't think a few paper cuts are gonna send me to the nurses office. Although I wish because I have chemistry and I really don't wanna go." The head of blue hair smiled at this and what I could only assume to be Judith- a young boy (probably a freshman) with a head of wild brown hair and wild eyes grabbed my arm and hauled me up to my feet.

"I'm really sorry, it was a total accident." Judith apologised as I leaned against the lockers. "I wasn't looking where I was going and I needed to get to the cafeteria before first period so I wouldn't be late..." I shook my head and chuckled under my breath, staring at the odd arrangement in front of me. Judith- a hyperactive freshman, who just couldn't stop talking . The girl with the blue hair- looked sort of like a goth wearing a leather jacket, ripped skinny jeans and black lace-up combat boots even though it was warm outside. Apart from her hard exterior, she had an amused expression other face as if she was trying to hold back laughter. Then lastly, a small boy with a mop of black hair covering half of his face who I hadn't even noticed before now. I took him in- his old faded band t-shirt, flannel and dirty black converse. He didn't look up at me when I introduced myself, not even when the girl with the blue hair (who I now know as Vida) introduced him as Nico. Only moments before our introduction, Vida snatched my timetable as I checked my watch. I hadn't even heard the first bell go but I realised, once I took in my surroundings, that it had as the hallway was empty. At this rate, we'd be ten minutes late to first period- wow, what a great first impression.

Without warning, Vida grabbed my arm and practically pushed me down the hallway to room twelve- chemistry. She pushed the door open, led me in, didn't even apologise to the teacher and stalked to the back of the classroom taking her seat next to a girl with dirty blonde hair and a rather nasty scar on the side of her face. I felt lingering stares on my back as I made my way over to the reachers desk, mumbling an apology under my breath and explaining I was new. He cut me off with a rather harsh hand motion and stated sarcastically "Well, what a great first impression to make on your first day of school- turning up late." Snickers filled the classroom as I twisted the end of my shirt in my hand, I felt my face flush as I looked down at my beaten vans, missing his question. "I said," he repeated, clearly annoyed and frustrated, "what is your name?"

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