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Side note- hey. So, I literally haven't updated in like forever and I'm really sorry, but like school has just taken over. As I'm in year 10 this year, I have a ton of homework cause I have to prepare for my gcses. I've decided that I'm going to upload once a week (hopefully more) on Fridays - just so you know when I'm gonna post. Thank you for all the reads, there's been over 300 which is insane! Love you guys the most (when you realise you've been watching to much James Charles lol)
-Hannah xx

Ruby's POV-

unknown number
ummm, hey?

My phone pinged with a notification. Who on earth would text me? It's not like Sam would, she'd been ignoring my texts, calls and emails for weeks now. I'm pretty sure she'd blocked my number. Clancy? Ew, no. I sure hope not, I blocked his number from pretty much every device I had, I couldn't face him. Never again, after what happened. I opened the notification - 'ummm, hey? ' I hadn't given any one at school my number except Vida. Like she would pass it on.

unknown number
so, u just gonna leave me on read?


ummm, hey. who is this?    

I took a deep breath. Why was I so nervous? My heart raced at the thought of who it could be. I swear to god, If Clancy got a new number...

unknown number
oh shit sorry darlin'.
forgot you didn't have my number.
I must've sounded like a creep lol.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Liam. It was only Liam. Wait? How did Liam get my number? It's not like I didn't want him to have my number or anything, of course I did. It was Liam.

ohhh, hey Lee.
yeah, I was a bit worried for a sec lol hahaha.

I typed out my response, the key board clicks tapping out a steady rhythm. After I had sent my text I changed his name to 'Lee.'

so ummm...

common Lee, spit it out already...
It can't be that bad?

oh, no no no no.
it's nothing like that darlin'
I was just um... wondering... ya know

wondering what?

um, if you wanted to meet me at Starbucks?



um like now?

I laughed. This was gonna be funny. Poor Liam, he's so embarrassed and soft, I think that's what makes me like him even more...
Along with his amazing personality, golden hair, piercing blue eyes and crooked smile...
Ruby. Snap out of it! I had to concentrate on the task at hand.

you see Liam,
I'm not really a Starbucks kinda girl
and it's raining
I don't do rain

u don't like Starbucks?
what kind of monster are u?!

nah, I'm more of a warm, cozy, local coffee shop vibe kinda girl.
and it's raining
that's a deal breaker right there.

Liam's POV-

Oh, she was gonna be like that was she? Two can play at that game...

oh, of course u r...

of course I am what?

a warm, cozy, local coffee shop vibe kinda girl.
and it's not even raining that much tbh.

hahaha, ur like really funny!1!1
and it is
trust me on this

well how can I trust u?
for all I know, u could be lying...

listen to me

hahahaha I can't breathe.
ur too much.

stop laughing at
me or else.

or what?
what are you gonna do about it?

I guess you'll just have to wait and see...

wait? what do u mean?

ohmygod why r u so stupid sometimes?
I'm meeting u, dumbass.

God. Why was I so stupid all the time?
After exchanging a few more messages, we decided on a little coffee shop on the high street. I had never bee there before, but Ruby had. Even though she'd only been living it this area for a little while. I brushed my hair away from my eyes, ocean orbs skimming through all of our messages. Fluttering feelings erupted in my stomach. This had never happened before. No girl, had ever made me feel this way. There was something different about Ruby. And I wanted to find out why.

Ruby's POV-
I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that Liam, just asked me out for coffee. We exchanged our last few messages and I thew my phone onto my bed. There was no point in trying to style my unruly raven hair, it was raining anyway. I hated the rain. I've always hated it. Ever since that night when I was ten years old...

"It's alright honey, we're nearly home." My mother said looking behind at me, the window wipers doing nothing to compete with the rain beating down upon the thin glass. The road was slippery and my father could hardly see anything. Blurs of green whipped past, our small car leaving the dense forest behind. Although my mother tried to assure me that we were nearly home, looking back on it- we must've been lost. The radio stuttered, dying out, leaving us in silence apart from the pounding rain. One minute it was dark then the flash of headlights appeared out of now where, engulfing us in its glare. My head was knocked back against the leather seat, someone was screaming. I didn't know who.

They found both cars in the ditch on the side of the road. Steaming and crumpled to pieces. A metallic smell filled the air along with burning. Luckily, me and my family managed to walk away from the crash, leaving the pain and horror in the past. The other guy? He wasn't so lucky...

I hadn't realised it, but I had collapsed onto the floor. I was clutching my knees, rocking back and forth on the hard wooden floor. Tears escaped from my closed lids, afraid that when I did open them, I would see the horrors I had witnessed only six years ago. I couldn't meet Liam like this. But I also couldn't bail on him. I only had one choice and it was inevitable.

Face the rain.

Side note- thank you guys for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it. I'm going to be posting on Fridays from now on but I'll still try and update in between then. All characters/themes belong to Alexandra Bracken. Love you guys!
-Hannah xx

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