remembering you

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A/N- so many of you have been asking for a new chapter so here it is! I'm sorry that I don't upload that regularly- it's because I have a lot of school work at the moment. But I hope you enjoy this chapter, all characters belong to Alexandra Bracken.
-Hannah x

Liam's POV-

Ruby. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. She was all I could think about even hours after she left my house. It had been raining so hard that we were both so drenched, but neither one of us were cold after our heated kiss. We decided to walk back to my house considering it was closer, and no one was in. Not even Cole. This girl made me so nervous, and I couldn't comprehend why. But she also made me so cocky and confident which never happened around any girls. Until her, of course. 

Deciding to watch a film we sat on the sofa, my arm wrapped around her small waist and her hand resting on my chest. I tried to impress her with one of those smooth, jock moves in films were the boy yawns and stretches his arm out around the girl but I'm neither smooth nor a jock. In attempting to do this, I ended up knocking her in the face as she shifted positions. Let's just say, I fucked up. She told me over and over that she was fine as I continued to apologise but I didn't believe her, she was probably just trying to shut me up. I would have preferred her to have shut me up with a kiss but, we don't always get what we want. She ended up rolling off the couch and onto the floor crying with laughter. That's another thing about Ruby Daly- her laughter is infectious. 

I was so comfortable around her and I felt like I didn't have to pretend to be something I wasn't. These kinds of stupid things that I do usually push girls away, but for Ruby? Well it seems like it draws her in even further. Most importantly, I wanted to be real with her. Completely and utterly real. 

Ruby's POV-

At Liam's we decided to watch a film. It was like one of those scenes you see in a movie where the boy yawns and in doing so, stretches his arm out and puts it around the girl. You get the gist. Well, Liam attempted to do this but wasn't too smooth. He ended up knocking me in the face as I shifted into a more comfortable position. Smooth, Liam. Smooth.

Here's the thing about Liam- he apologises way too much. He must have said sorry at least twenty times before I shut him up by telling him I was fine. Multiple times. In fact, I was completely, totally and utterly fine. I was more than fine actually. Just getting to spend time with Liam made my heart soar. There was just something about him.

I ended up in a heap on the floor, laughing with tears streaming down my face. Liam ended up on the floor too, laughing along with me as he wrapped his arms around my body. Then we laid still, suddenly aware of our bodies pressed together. I coughed awkwardly trying to get out of the situation but I stumbled whilst de-tangling myself from Liam's limbs, falling right back on top of him. 

Liam's POV-

We were face to face. Our noses and foreheads touching, I could feel her warm breath on my face. Her eyes were a warm olive colour up close, framed by her thick black lashes with the trace of salty tears from laughing still present. I could feel the beating of her heart against my chest as she looked me in the eyes, not breaking any contact. I raised my hand to her cheek, brushing her face with the back of my knuckles softly. Her heart beat quickened. I let my other hand trail towards her waist, resting on the waistband of her still damp jeans. Her heart beat raced.

I never knew that I had this kind of affect on her. I now noticed things that I never used to. The tint of blush on her cheeks as she smiled shyly down at me, the way the edge of her lip curves upwards into a small smirk as she smiles. Her warm, olive coloured eyes with flecks of gold that contrast against her dark pupils, that dilate whenever she sees me, her thick hair that dries in waves when it's wet. These are the things that I still admire about Ruby Daly to this day, and the things I will never forget about her. I will remember her forever.

Ruby's POV-

With our bodies pressed so closely together, I could feel Liam's muscles beneath his thin shirt against my body. Our noses and faces were pressed together, staring at each other intently, not breaking any contact. His blue eyes looked so much brighter up close in that moment, his dark, thick lashes framing the ocean orbs I had fallen in love with at first glance. One of his hands cupped my cheek, the other resting at the waistband of my jeans. My hands trailed up his toned stomach, one resting on his chest, my hand over his heart. His heart rate quickened at my touch as he exhaled slowly, his breath ragged. 

I never knew that I had this kind of affect on him. I now noticed things I never used to. The way his soft, golden hair curls at the nape of his neck and the way he rubs that spot with his hand when he's nervous. The way his full lips stretch into a smile after simply saying my name, exposing his perfect white teeth contrasted against his golden toned skin. His startling ocean eyes, that darken with lust or anger and how they light up when he's happy, sparkling. These are the things that I still admire about Liam Stewart to this day, and the things I will never forget about him. I will remember him forever. 

But what if forever is not as long as we hoped? 

A/N- okayyy so that took a turn...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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