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A/N: PLEASE READ! It'll help for a better understanding of this chapter. In chapter 6 I forgot to put that as Peridot was pushed down by Mr. Lazuli, he foot got trapped under the bed side table. That's why she couldn't get up to save Lapis. And I'm sorry I'm late. Also, I know that I switched perspectives halfway through the story, and I didn't even realize. Though I am keeping it 1st person. Okay, on with the story!

Peridot's POV

"PERIDOT!" I heard one last time faintly from the parking lot as I also heard a car start, probably Mr. Lazuli's, and drive off. There goes Lapis I though, tears running down my cheeks. No Peridot. You can't cry! You have to get out of here!

I struggled to free my foot from the nightstand but it wouldn't budge. "Ugh," I groaned. I pulled harder but it still really hurt and wouldn't budge.

I have to find Lapis! I thought. But how the BLOODY HELL do I get out?! I thought and thought and thought, until I finally had a plan after seeing something on the ceiling.

I turned around best I could without causing too much pain and opened the small drawer in the dresser. I searched around in it until I found what I needed. I then grabbed some loose change from my pocket.

I quickly lit a match from the drawer, and then grabbed a couple more, lighting them aflame with that same match and holding all three of them together. I then raised them up a little higher and watched as the smoke slowly filled the room, finally reaching the ceiling. I flinched a tiny bit as I heard a loud beeping from the smoke detector. I flicked my hand and the matches went out, but thankfully the detector stayed on.

I heard yelling coming from in the parking lot, and I knew this was my chance. I yelled as loud as I could and threw the change at the door, making as much noise as possible. I heard the yelling come closer to my door, and then saw it swing open. Two men saw me and immediately tried to help me. They slowly lifted up the bedside table, releasing my aching foot, and helped me stand up, putting each of their arms under mine. I hopped out the door with them into the parking lot. I realized I didn't have a ride, since me and Lapis walked here. Then one of the men, who seemed much younger than the other, about 18, turned to me.

"Do you want us to give you a ride to the hospital?" He asked, almost reading my mind.

"Yes... thank you..," I said in a raspy voice from crying and the all the yelling I had to do to get their attention from in the room.

He led me to their car, and opened up the back seat for me, helping me in. He then went around the car and got in the passenger seat, leaving the older man to drive, but he didn't seem to mind. We pulled out of the parking lot, and me being the shy, nervous wreck I am, didn't say anything the entire ride to the hospital. I instead daydreamed of Lapis, hoping to get her back soon before her wicked Dad did something he'd regret. But then I thought about my foot. I would probably have a cast, and crutches, so it might be harder than I thought to reach her in time.

My thoughts were interrupted as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. The two men put their arms around me again and we headed inside. The receptionist looked at us as we entered and walked up to her.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked, nicer than I though she would.

"Ummm... no..." Said the younger man.

"Okay," The receptionist said calmly. "I'll take a name and you can wait over there until one of our doctors can take you,"

"Thank you," the younger guy said. Then the receptionist and the two men looked at me. I have them a confused face, and then the younger man whispered "Give her your name," to me, smiling.

"Oh!" I said, a slight blush creeping up on my face as I was a little embarrassed. "I-I'm Peridot," I said. The receptionist smiled a little.

"Okay, Peridot, you can go have a seat now," She said. "Next!" She yelled as the men helped me to the waiting area and sat on either side of me.

Then the younger man turned to me again. "Peridot," He said, looking at me. "That's a pretty name. Like the gemstone, right?" He asked.

I nodded. "I never caught either of your names," I looked at the older man as well, who hadn't said anything to me so far.

"Well, my name's Steven," said the younger man. He stuck out his hand and I shook it.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Steven," I said, earning a slight smile from him. The older man then turned to me.

"Hi, I'm Greg, Steven's dad," He said. I shook his hand too.

"Nice to meet you as well, Greg," I said, smiling. After introductions we talked a little bit, and I explained to them about what happened with Lapis and her dad, and everything with the fire alarm too. Steven thought it was so cool that I was dating a girl, and that he wished more people would be proud of their sexuality and not hide it like me. I agreed with him. We all talked a little more, until we were finally called back by the doctor.

She took us into a room in the back, introduced herself as Dr. Mahashewaren (is that spelled right??),and checked my heartbeat and temperature and all that. She then sat me down on the small bed in the room and inspected my foot.

"It's just a sprain, so we just need to put a cast on it, get you some meds, crutches, and you'll be good to go," She said, walking out of the room to get what she needed.

Time Skip

We finally exited the hospital, me in my new cast and crutches, and Steven helped me into the car again. I told them where I lived and they drove me there.

"Thanks!" I said. Steven gave me a big smile and a thumbs up, and they drove away.

Here I come Lapis! I thought as I slowly made my way towards her house.

Apples and Oranges - A Lapidot Fanfic *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now