-real life

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needless to say, bailey was more than exhilarated while she got ready for another date with chris. surely that's what it was, right?

the girl had pulled on a light blue off the shoulder top and black skinny jeans that hugged her legs perfectly. she had decorated her body with random jewelry and did little to no makeup, pulling the top half of her hair into a bun.

chris had admired her most of the night, he had never laid his eyes on someone more perfect than bailey holland, and he knew he was falling hard for her.

he decided to simply take her out to dinner where the two could chat about anything and everything, he had wanted to know everything about bailey. her vices, her successes, and her favourites.

bailey more than appreciated the white shirt chris wore that accented much of his upper body muscles as well as the slim jeans that made him borderline irresistible. little did he know his simplicity in clothing drove bailey wild.

dinner had flashed by in no time and the two began to wander around the city, taking pictures of each other and talking amicably.

the two had found a secluded overlook that almost appeared untouched by life and was swallowed up by nature. bailey of course 'had' to take on the job of taking hundreds of pictures of chris, insisting he was the view- not the city.

she excitedly ran over to him so they could go through the pictures, the girl leaning into his body. chris could feel butterflies erupting in his stomach every time she laughed or smiled, he knew now was the time for him to make a move.

when bailey found a picture she liked, she lifted her phone to his face and looked up to him smiling, and he pressed his lips to hers.

and in that moment they were infinite.


if you listen to someone, somewhere, somehow by super whatevr while reading this chapter, your life will be changed.

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