- real life

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nothing felt better to bailey than being in the comfort of her own room, preferably cuddling with chris and watching netflix with the balcony door open.

however, she was currently sat around her bed with katie and nora, catching up on every small detail that had occurred since the end of junior year. it seemed like nora and sebastian continued to grow closer while the two were apart, and sebastian had asked her on a date later this week.

the neighbours definitely heard the trio screaming throughout the entire apartment building.

katie and tom had decided to call it official and label their relationship as dating, needless to say everything was kosher and everyone was thriving.

or so you would think.

a silent killer held it's grasp around bailey- keeping her in a snug vice grip and slowly drowned her in the most painful way possible. and she thought it was her fault.

chris would have been stupid not to notice, and he constantly felt anxiety tugging at his stomach every time he noticed how skinny she had gotten. he needed to talk to her. he felt like it was his moral duty to fix his girl and make her new again.

the two were sitting out on her balcony and watched the sun slowly set over the horizon while night dawned on the bustling city of atlanta.

"bailey, i want you to be honest with me." chris brought the girl's attention to him. "hmm?" she hummed in response, sitting forward in her chair.

"why haven't you been eating?" he questioned softly, the last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm the girl- and he instantly knew he did once her face paled.

"uh-i.." bailey stumbled over her words, her heart rate noticeably speeding up. she knew why. she just refused to submit to it.

she thought it made her weak.

"you can tell me, bailey. you won't get hurt." chris whispered, all of his attention fully given to her. she let out a sigh, she was comfortable with telling him, she trusted him, she just didn't know if she had trusted herself.



oh my goodness and gracious i am the worst author on the planet.

i literally have no excuse other than i let my laziness get the best of me over homework and tech for the fall show- i am dead inside times 1000 at the moment.

hopefully since saturday is closing i will be back to uploading more frequently than like...every 3 years. (ayo it's monday whoops)

thank you guys so much for your patience.

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