-real life

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bailey had watched the days lead up to her finals pass by like flipping pages in a book, the girl had been working and studying herself to death to the end of her junior year. nora and katie had been keeping her sanity, and vice versa.

dates with chris grew more limited, and the girl could not tell you when the last time she had talked to tom was.

she was currently in her lab room, writing up their latest work and running through her calculations for the third time. an empty coffee mug sat beside her and she had almost gone through 20 pages for the latest write up.

nora had disappeared hours earlier, leaving bailey to her solitude in her second home.

the girl leaned her head on her hand, staring at the procedure for what had felt like the thirtieth time, and she began to feel her exhaustion catch up to her.

surely if she rested her eyes for a few minutes, she would feel regenerated, right?

when her eyes flitted back open, she was greeted by nora and the chemistry professor; dr. neiwert, trying to awaken her. "oh! sorry, i must've lost track of time.." bailey trailed off, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck because haphazardly packing up her homework.

neiwert shot her a knowing look, and after bidding the two a goodnight reminded bailey to not stay up too late working on a write up that wasn't due for another week.


before she had known it, it was the last week in may, and finals were upon the public college plaguing professors and students alike.

bailey had been on and off in contact with tom to pack up her dorm and to get moved back into tom's apartment temporarily over the summer.

she had already completed two of her six finals- being english literature and multi-variable calculus. needless to say she wouldn't be missing the calculus, there was a reason the girl chose chemistry over physics.

she, of course being the prodigy she is, passed both with flying colours. though she doubted herself, all of her friends knew without a doubt she would pass all six and end her junior year on a high note.

in the days that felt like forever, passed by like nothing. advanced organic chemistry, a. chemical engineering lab, a. physical chemistry, a. and, of course, biochemistry, a-.

biochemistry was never her strong suit.

and just like that, her and katie packed up their dorm, tom and katie having their more than typical awkward conversation, bailey bid her goodbye to nora, and the summer of her senior year began.


rip sorry for the delayed update, i got really sick and school starts next tuesday and my schedule is all shades of fucked up so it's safe to say i'm in stress town. :-)

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