-real life

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"bailey?" the girl heard tom call from the other room. "yes, thomas?" she shouted back. "what the hell is a hogshead??" he questioned, walking into the room where she was currently assembling her new ikea furniture.

the girl giggled and sat up, setting down the bright green impact drill held in her small hands. "well, a hogshead is 63 gallons- if it is wine." bailey started, causing tom to stare at her with an inquisitive look.

"is there more? are there different hogsheads that i'm not aware of?" tom asked incredulously. "i mean, if you happen to have a hogshead of beer or ale; it's 64 gallons." bailey finished, sorting out her hardware.

tom scoffed in response, shaking his head. "you are unbelievable." he spoke, going back to the living room in which he was watching parks and rec.

right before she was about to return to her personal workshop, chris began to facetime her. she smiled a little upon seeing the screen light up with the candid she took of him petting a dog. her thumb swiped on the accept slider and his face popped up on her screen.

"hey babe, what's up?" bailey asked, setting her phone against her newly built bedstand while she worked on piloting holes into her bed frame. "nothing much, just wanted to see your face." chris responded, causing the girl to smile and blush.

"what're you up to?" he asked her. "just putting together the plethora of furniture tom and i decided to buy at ikea." bailey spoke, sending the last screw in for the corner. "oh my god i'm coming over i love building." chris spoke, instantly standing up and presumably slipped his shoes on.

bailey laughed as they both bid their see you soon's and hung up, continuing on the daunting task that was her bed. she continued to quietly hum along to the hippo campus song that currently shuffled onto her playlist.

before she knew it chris came into her room, pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head, and picked up the other impact drill and began to help his girl.

hours passed, furniture was assembled, and the room was re-decorated. tom had popped in to say goodnight to bailey and chris right as the two completed the finishing touches of organization and putting her clothes away.

"wow." tom spoke, looking around the room in awe.

"i know, chris and i make a pretty good team." bailey grinned, pecking her boyfriend's cheek while tom observed the renewed room.

" bailey grinned, pecking her boyfriend's cheek while tom observed the renewed room

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"alright, well i'm going to bed." tom spoke, yawning. "night tom, chris and i'll make breakfast tomorrow." bailey responded, causing tom to tiredly smile and nod in approval before turning out to leave.

as if on cue, bailey let out a yawn, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. "oooh, looks like it's someone's bedtime." chris teased, causing bailey to roll her eyes. "maybe so, but you're staying." the girl demanded, to which chris raised an eyebrow at her.

"what!? it's supposed to be cold tonight!" bailey defended herself, causing chris to laugh. "sure, i'm sure that's why." chris spoke, causing the girl to quickly nod.

the two began to get ready for bed, bailey changing into a pair of black shorts and a loose fitting grey t-shirt while chris just kept on a pair of shorts and remained shirtless.

bailey was more than distracted, and failed at her attempts to hide it.

"y'know, if you take a picture, it lasts longer." chris told his girlfriend in a matter of fact tone. bailey playfully smacked his arm and jumped on her new bed, moaning in satisfaction at the comfort as she sunk into the white duvet.

"chris you need to come here." bailey spoke, her voice slightly muffled by the several pillows piled up.

she felt the bed dip down on the opposite side as chris got in, his reaction not much different. "this bed is life changing. ikea really knows what they're doing." chris mumbled, causing bailey to giggle as the two crawled under the covers and bailey flicked the bedside lamp off.

she felt chris bring one of his arms around her torso, bringing her back against his chest. she turned her head slightly and the two shared a kiss, whispering their goodnights and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


i am a hardcore fluff person my heart is fulfilled.

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