- photo and real life

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mental health ain't easy to beat, but having someone beside you makes the purpose that much more important. you're not alone.


[tagged: chrisevans]

liked by chrisevans, scarlettjo, noradon, and 11,567 others | 159 comments

baileyholland: also i just love my man look at how cute he is

chrisevans: ^ damn can i get his kik?

robertdowneyjr: i think i just cringed?

username1: lol rdj

username2: we love you bailey!!! you're so incredibly strong

iamsebastianstan: ^ you are a living blessing

katiemcn: LUV U BESTIE


baileyholland: wow ily all!!!



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i'm so incredibly lucky (for the watermelon).

[tagged: baileyholland]

liked by baileyholland, tomholland2013, iamsebastianstan, and 3,789,300 others

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to say bailey was nervous was an understatement.

she stood outside of the large building that towered over her. to some it may have just appeared as another set of offices. but to bailey, it was were she would have to lay herself bare to a complete stranger.

in that moment, she wished that she took up chris's offer on walking her in to the building and up to the 'psychological offices', but she politely declined and said she'd see him in an hour.

she let go of the breath she held and walked in to the building, heading right towards the stairs that led up to the third floor.

she knew this was for her own good, but as she climbed each next step she could feel her stomach tightening from the lack of food that sat in there. 

she soon appeared in front of the door that would lead into what she was dreading most.

bailey's shaking hand reached out for the knob before opening the door and she walked in to hopefully what would turn her life around and make her wake up and save herself.

but it doesn't always work that way.


can we talk about how insane it is that i'm almost to 3k reads and just broke 100 votes?!?!

ily guys!

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