Chapter 1

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So this is my first fanfic about once upon a time. English is not my native language, so sorry if the story have some mistakes.

This story begins after Cora's death. I hope you like it, kisses.

Everything seemed calmer finally in Stoybooke, after Cora's death, except Regina, she missed her mother even though she had done so much harm to her for so many years, she was starting to show Regina some real affection. But now with her dead, there was no one she could count on but Henry.

She was at Granny's eating breakfast when Henry came in with his book behind. Regina smiled at him as he sat beside her at the counter.

 Regina smiled at him as he sat beside her at the counter

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"Good morning mom." Henry said giving Regina a kiss.

"Good mornig, honey, how are you?" She asked as she smiled at him.

"What matters is how you are?" He said to her, but Regina looked away.

"I'm fine, Henry."Sill not looking at him.

Henry looked at her with a annoying look because he know that his mother was lying to him.

" Mom, i know you, you're not." he said stubbornly.

"I am fine." She said being even more stubborn.

"Mom, I know you're not fine, you try to make yourself strong but you're suffering, I know that Cora has done you so badly over the years, that killed your true love, made you Evil Queen, make you become... "

"Henry, I get it," Regina interrupted, feeling uncomfortable.

"But she's still your mother, and underneath all that hatred you love her." Henry finished, Regina looked at her with tears in her eyes and smiled.

"Since when did you get so wise?" Hugging him.

"I have the best moms." They walked away and smiled, Regina was going to ask Henry something, but I couldn't because Emma came into Granny's panting.

"Mom." Greeted Henry, hugging him.

"Hey Kiddo," she said, catching up.

"What's up Miss Swan, your two boyfriends are after you." Regina smiled.

"Hello you too Regina." Emma said ignoring her comment, Regina simply nodded.

"Hey, I was coming to pick you up with your dad, Henry. He wants to spend some time with you. "Emma said sitting with Henry and Regina.

"Good come on, Mom..." He turned to Regina.

"It's okay, Henry, go to your dad, he's your father after all," Regina said smiling at him.

Henry gave Regina a hug, and Emma, ​​Henry got up, were leaving as a great wave of magic swept through the town. The women looked at each other.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Emma confused.

"What do you think, it was magic," said Regina rolling her eyes.

"Magic? But how? What did that? "Asked Henry.

"I don't know, but what did it is very powerful, I can feel it." Regina said in surprise.

Emma was about to ask Regina something when her cell phone rang "Swan... Leroy? ... Really? Let's go now." She hung up the phone and turned to Regina and Henry.

"It was Leroy, they were passing near the town line when a car went through it and that's what caused this energy release."

"It wasn't the car, it was the one inside. Let's go," Regina told them.

"Can I go too?" Henry asked as they left Granny's and headed for Emma's car.

"No, I'll take you to your father's house, Henry." Emma said from the car.

"Mom?" Regina asked.

"You heard your mother, Henry," Regina said grimly.

"You heard your mother, Henry," Regina said grimly

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