Chapter 7

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The three headed for the Granny's, Emma trying to open the door of Tamara's room.

"Hang on. I almost get it." Said Emma to Henry and Catherine.

"I'm even afraid to ask how you know how to do that. "Catherine rolled her eyes.

"Let's assume I was a little rebellious in my teens." Emma replied smiling a little.

"Oh so I know now your son comes out of," said Catherine, smiling at Henry.

"Look who's talking, Hope is just like you," said Emma, still trying to open the door.

"Believe me, she is nothing like me. She looks more like her father every day, very hopeful and optimistic. "Catherine said smiling as she remembered them, putting her hand on her stomach where her second son or daughter grew up.

"By the way, where is she? Asked Emma.

"At home, she told me she had to finish some school work," said Catherine.

"Hey, kid, you don't have a job to do since you're in the same class." Emma asked Henry with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, but that is not important now. So, once we find prove that Tamara is evil, I guess the wedding is off."

Emma looked at Kate in fear, Kate tried to hide her smile as she listened to the rest of the conversation.

"Henry, Neal and I aren't going get back together, you know that, right?"

"I mean once he is single, could happen." said Henry trying to make sure his mother said yes.

"Going together, moonlight, wine..."

"Your son will be a heartbreaker when he's older," Catherine whispered softly to Emma.

Emma glared at her furiously " Look, Henry. I'm on Tamara for other reasons, not because she is with Neal , ok.".

"Catherine, do you think they made a good couple?" Asked Henry.

"I don't want to get into this, Henry," Catherine said, evading Emma.

"Henry, go, go, go," said Emma, trying to get Henry to stop that conversation.

After a few seconds Emma opened the bedroom door of the room. "Yes." said victorious.

Emma went into the room and right after Catherine, Henry was going to do the same but Catherine wouldn't let her.

"Na, na, na. You get to be the look out." Said Catherine.

"But want I do? Whistle? "Asked.

"No, that's to obvious. I need to kick the door." Said Catherine.

"You know like, like kicking like you bored." Said Emma exemplifying. "Like, stumbling into her... like."

Catherine looked at Emma annoyed at the spectacular she was making then said:

"Just hit the door ok" said Catherine Irritably.

"Hit the door? Get it. Now, go."

Catherine and Emma wave to him and enter the room.

Emma closes the door while Catherine looks around the room. "This could be worse." Kate said looking around the room.

"We're not here to judge Granny's taste," said Emma searching.

"Okay, what are we looking for?" Said Kate as she searched the wardrobe.

"Something she shouldn't have," said Emma searching the bathroom.

"That helps a lot." Catherine whispered to herself, rolling her eyes.

Emma was walking toward the comfortable room by the window as she passed a creaking board.

"Wait, do it again," said Catherine, rising from her seat.

Emma stepped several times where she had her foot and looked at Catherine hearing the same creak.

"Do you think..." Emma didn't finish the sentence as Catherine interrupted.

"Yes," she said, smiling mischievously.

"Gotcha." said Emma victoriously.

As they were about to clear the floor, they heard a loud knock on the door and Neal's voice.

"Hey Henry, what...oh hell no. I taught her that. Emma." the two women listened outside the door.

"You used one of his tricks. It's normal for him to find us, "Catherine said irritably at Emma.

The door opens revealing Neal with Henry. The two women looked at each other and said:

"So, you aren't here and the door was open, we just ..." said Emma apologetically.

"We come in and stay here waiting for you." Catherine finished.

Neal stared at them, not believing anything they were saying.

"Girls, what is this about?" Said Neal sighing.

"Tamara, I think she is paying you." Said Emma.

"She is playing me? How?" ask Neal.

"I think she is the "she" August was trying to warn us about." Said Emma.

"I don't know who this August is, but Emma is right, she's not reliable, I can feel it in my bones. We just wanted to tell you after we had proof." said Catherine, getting closer to Neal.

"Ok, once you enter our room to spare my felling...Are you out of your mind?" he said angry at both of them.

"He warns us about a women." Emma said trying to make sure Neal saw her point of view.

"Yeah, which cover half the world. You brought the kid into this?" said Neal pointed to Henry.

"By chance, I was the one who was dragging for this. I know I'm not in this town for a long time, but can I see people remember?" Catherine said to Neal trying to get him.

"She lie to me. Remember I have a thing with lies?" said Emma.

"You tough you had. I never bought." Said Neal.

"Yeah, you did. Listen to me, Neal, she has a list of fairy tale characters and who the are. Wherever she going give that to, can expose this town right open." Emma tried one more time.

"Emma, I help her make that list. I have to help her come to grebes with this town. Which is not easy, you know? "Neal said almost laughing in Emma's face.

"Poor girl," Catherine said quietly, trying not to hear, but to no avail.

Catherine, she is trying to deal with is, for me." Neal warned.

"I know what this look's like, but it wasn't that. Do I look like a jealousy ex? Ok, maybe i'm crazy." Emma said smiling a little, making Neal and Catherine smile.

"And I am protecting you, you are and always will be a brother to me, so I will do whatever is necessary to protect you. And don't even try to squeak it," said Catherine silently.

"But let's find out. There is a floor board loose, shouldn't be. So let look under, if isn't nothing there, fine. We back off."

Neal and Henry looked at the women and then at themselves.

"Ok, Sure, what a hell."

The three of them circled around the loose board as Emma tried to pull it off.

"A little help?" said Emma to Neal.

"Oh, right." Neal said, kneeling beside him.

When they opened, Emma tried to find something under the board, but it was empty, Neal looked at Catherine, who nodded to Emma.

"Listen, I know Tamara being where is a bit awkward..." Neal started but Emma interrupted.

"Stop. Henry, Catherine, lets go." she said, putting the board back in place. Henry said goodbye to him and Catherine also gave him a kiss on the cheek and the three left the room.

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