Chapter 15

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Belle and Rumple were after them.

"Yeah. You are the Dark one. Do something." demanded Charming to Gold.

"He can't do anything, I can't do it the more he does." said catherine furiously, kicking the ground, when she did it felt like she felt something in her belly, she immediately clung to her. Something that did not go unnoticed by Regina and Snow.

"Gold. Help us." Emma was so desperate that she hadn't even heard what Catherine said.

"There is no away, I spend a life time try to cross the world's to find my son. There is no away in this world with a portal." Explained Gold to everyone.

"So that's it? My Son and my Granddaugther go forever.? I refuse to belive that." Said Regina furious looking at the ocean.

Suddenly Belle looks at the Horizon:

"What is that?" asked the others who looked at the same place she was looking at.

A ship was approaching the port of Storybooke, Emma looked at it better and said:


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"What the hell are you doing here?" Emma asked, seeing Hook leaving his ship to stand beside them.

"Helping." Hook said in his own way.

"Well, you are to late, you holy pirate, that two muron took Henry and Hope with them." Catherine said, controlling herself not to murder that pirate at that moment.

"Am i?"

"I think you care about you and only yourself," said Emma, ​​looking at Hook.

"Maybe I just need to remind you that I could," he said, handing her the bag that once had the beans inside.

Amazed Emma opened her bag and took out the last magic bean.

"Enough wanting. Let's go." said Regina to the two.

"Where? I thought we were saving the town." Hook said in amazement.

"We already did."

"We need to get Heny and Hope. Greg and Tamara took them through the portal." Explained Emma.

"So i offerd my ship and my services to help you find them."

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