Chapter 36

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"You look good," Happy growled into her skin as he kissed Katie's neck. "Don't lose any more weight, I like this." His fingers pinched her flesh as he groped her body.

"Hap," she sighed. "I gotta go."

"If you didn't?" He asked, looking at their reflection in the mirror.

"I don't know, I'm scared or something," she admitted, avoiding his gaze. "After all that shit in the hospital I feel very closed down, or something."

Disappointed, he nodded and stepped back to give her space. "Alright," he said casually.

"I can give you a blowjob," she offered, as she had been for months since Sam had been born.

"I'm good," he said dismissively. Her consolation prize for him had gotten old, quickly. Happy just wanted his wife. "I'll see you downstair."

"I love you Hap, I'm sorry," she said sadly.

"I love you too, it's fine. Just tell me when you're ready."


With a pit in her stomach, not just from the way she and Happy left things that morning, Katie watched Charlotte head to her first day of school. She already knew some children from the local park, they were currently playing while waiting for their teacher, so the transition was much easier for Charlotte than Katie.

The other moms she was chatting with slowly disappeared but Katie lingered, her anxiety not letting her move from her spot.

"This your first first day?" A fellow parent asked with a sniffle.

Katie looked at him and nodded. "Yep. You?"

"Yes, it is," he nodded sadly. "Hate doing the drop off alone. I hoped his mom would be here, we're new. This is my family's hometown, my mom's side at least."

Katie grimaced. "Oh, well, I'm sure everyone will adjust quickly."

"I hope," he offered her his hand. "Ryan."

"Kate," she smiled and shook his hand. "I should go," she announced. "I've got work."

"Me too, I'll see you around," he waved politely before turning away from Katie and the school.

"Charlotte," Jax jogged across the school yard and caught his daughter seconds before the line headed into school.  "First day of school, kiddo," Jax said as he gave his daughter a high five. "I'll see you soon."

Charlotte ran off toward school, no fear or hesitation, and Katie burst into tears. "She's so confident, look at her."

"Why are you crying?" Jax laughed but gave her a comforting hug.

"She's my little girl," Katie shrugged. "Shut up you asshole, don't make fun of me."

"I'm not!" Jax was still laughing though. "Sorry I'm late, long morning," he was visibly annoyed.

"At least you made it. Oh, man, please don't tell Hap," she said as she wiped her tears. "I told him I'd be fine, he's still so, like, helicopter mom, with me since Sammy was born."

"I don't blame him," Jax admitted. "You almost died six months ago, Katie. You're still weak."

"Oh my god," she rolled her eyes. "You fucking guys, I'm fine."

"Humor us," he said with a knowing look. "Please?"

"Fine," she feigned anger but in truth she was grateful, as well as annoyed. "I'll be at Scoops today."

"Yeah, we will too," he said sheepishly.

"Why?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"There was an accident, kind of," he was purposely vague but it only made her pry more.

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