34. the witness and the alibi

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The search of Green Gables was an idea placed in Detective Ellwyn's head by none other than a very earnest Thomson.

The ambitious man was still determined to solve the case of the Barry wagon and he knew Anne was connected and he thought most likely the suspect. He intended to prove it. He went to Detective Ellwyn's office not long after Joseph's interview and told him all of his information regarding the discovery of the crash.

Thomson told him how Gilbert had lied about the horse Belle being from Mr Barry's stables. He also informed Detective Ellwyn about the time when a girl who bade an uncanny likeness to Anne Shirley Cuthbert lied to him about her name being Agatha Riley and their conversation in the woods. He told the Detective that precious items had gone missing from the Barry household which most people wouldn't have been able to take. Most people, aside from Anne who had access and plenty of opportunities to steal them.

When Billy Andrews arrived at the detective's office, he found it deserted. It was dark and quiet in the street, the stars shining down for the last time before the storm would take over the sky. Billy peered through the windows but it was empty. An old man was sitting on a step of a shop opposite the offices, weaving baskets with some hazel. He looked to Billy like he'd been there a while. Billy ran to him.

"Hey, you. Did you see or hear where Detective Ellwyn has gone to?" Billy asked indignantly.

The old man looked up in surprise.

"Oh, indeed - well I have seen a small troop of policemen and another fellow who I believe to be the detective. They've all gone to some place called -- oh what was it? Gane? No, Giles? Gable? Something Gable... not long ago it was."

"Green Gables?" Billy demanded.

"Why, yes-- that's it!" The man nodded, happy to help.

Billy took off, running all the way to Green Gables. It was a long way and it had gotten dark by that time, with only the moon to guide him along the road. The wind was whipping his cheeks cold, as the clouds churned with the incoming storm. Billy knew time was of the essence and Anne was smart, she could even work out a way to escape. She could run away and he'd never be able to hand her in. He finally reached Green Gables and saw several wagons parked outside the gates.

The sight from the window of Detective Ellwyn arriving with the policemen had horrified Marilla. As if the night couldn't get any worse, with first Anne not coming home and worrying about Gilbert going out to find her and then this! Neither Matthew nor Marilla could go to sleep all night so Marilla was cleaning the kitchen furiously while Matthew alternated pacing the barn and pacing the yard. It wasn't long after Gilbert left to search for Anne that the policemen reached Green Gables, getting out of their wagons and meeting a shocked Matthew at the gate.

"We have a warrant to search Green Gables." Said Detective Ellwyn, brandishing the paper like a veritable weapon. "We have reason to believe there are stolen items in your property."

Matthew was horrified to be faced by such an awful confrontation. This was a matter concerning Anne, he had no doubt. He'd heard many troubling things about what people thought she'd done. He didn't believe a word of it. Matthew's wide eyes took in the daunting sight of the men, not wanting to let them into his home to search for such items which he felt sure were not there. He knew they were working to uphold the law and keep the peace so he should trust them but why were they here?

"Well now, I don't know anything about stolen items." Said Matthew bravely.

"As I said, we have reason to believe--"

That was when Marilla appeared.

"Goodness me, what is all this fuss about?" She demanded, looking around at the men imposing upon her shy brother. Matthew moved slightly behind Marilla, relieved she was here to help handle the situation.

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