42. the body in the woods

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The next morning Anne awoke to feel peaceful, well-rested and happy with a blissful beat in her heart.

Gilbert had stolen away the previous night following their passionate words and kiss, further words unfortunately evading them both for that time at least. They didn't feel that much more needed to be said, as they instead shared a special look as they stood there in the quiet and the moonbeams before Gilbert retreated up the road to Blythe farm. Anne had watched him walking for a while, her heart dancing and leaping gaily in her chest as her smile stayed stubbornly upon her face. Marilla and Matthew could tell the glow of love on Anne's face when she returned in to bed although neither said anything of it, opting instead for smug smiles to themselves. They had always thought Gilbert would make a good pair for Anne. He was a good, kind, hardworking boy.

Marilla saw to it that Anne bathed that morning and she cleaned Anne's wound, checking it was making good progress in healing before applying fresh balm and bandages. Anne slipped into a familiar, comforting grey cotton dress and stockings, tying her hair back in a loose ponytail. Her mind was too busy and her fingers lacked the calm needed to braid her hair carefully as she used to. Anne gazed at herself in the looking glass and thought deeply on the golden glint in her grey eyes and the supple bloom of pink in her full lips. She seemed much older, maturity dwelt in her face and even her freckles and red hair seemed not to bother her so much.

Perhaps that was partly due to the boy who gazed at her with such adoration in his brown eyes and enjoyed touching her hair and face with his gentle, careful hands.

After a joy-filled breakfast with much laughter and revels, they were graced by a hurried visit from dear Diana before she left for the meeting with her parents. Her arrival was a grace for Anne, who needed that boost for the coming meeting. She didn't like to be the centre of attention and the meeting promised just that. Diana was a reassuring, comfortable presence. After she had gone the Cuthberts hitched up the cart and drove to Avonlea Town Hall. The roads were dead, all of the townsfolk had probably arrived in the hall before the meeting. They reached their destination in good time, carts and wagons and horses parked up outside the large white building.

Anne felt nervous to go inside as she knew so many people would be shocked to see her and make an enormous fuss one way or another.

"Come now, Anne. It'll be alright." Matthew said gently, offering his hand for a help down from the cart.

Marilla had gone to the hall doors already and was looking back with a slight impatience as Anne hesitated, pausing on the cart. She looked down at Matthew and his familiar, comforting face. He had come from Green Gables to support Anne despite the doctor's express insistence that he stay in bed. He had been determined and couldn't be dissuaded by anyone, even strict Marilla. Matthew was such a kindred spirit, Anne thought. She could always count on him.

"Alright, I'm coming." Anne took his hand and walked to the hall, holding her head up high.

Inside it seemed that all of Canada had decided to show up, Anne thought. The pews and spare seats were bursting and the front of hall where the council members sat was cleared and somebody was speaking. It was Rachel Lynde, Anne realised. She wondered what it had been like when her testimonies were given, she wished she'd seen it and heard all the good things the people had said for her. Perhaps if she had then she'd have been spirited enough not to worry about their reaction to her return.

Anne searched the crowds for familiar faces and was pleased to see many - her school friends, Rachel Lynde, many families, Officer Wilson and at the back of the hall by the second exit stood Gilbert Blythe, handsome and loyal as ever. Anne felt a rush in her heart and a renewed confidence. He looked tired but he held a soft glow to his eyes and expression, almost an unspoken confidence and contentment.

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