44. a varied field of hopes and fears

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As people arrived at Barry estate, Diana was both excited and worried.

She was excited because she was having a party with all of her friends and it was her birthday - Diana was growing up and she was proud of who she was becoming. Anne was staying over for the night too, which was a rare treat. Anne seemed to be doing well lately and was recovering, much to everyone's relief. Diana was glad all the drama was over.

What a joy life could be... and a trial.

Josie Pye and Billie Andrews were coming to Diana's birthday party too and it was the first social event they'd all attended together since the incidents involving Anne's imprisonment had happened. Diana was sure Josie had a lot to say about all of it, and she knew Billie did. Diana hadn't particularly wanted to invite them but her mother had reminded her that it was impolite to only invite certain classmates.

There were picnic blankets set out in the beautiful Barry Manor gardens, little canopy shelters had been erected to shade guests from the sun and a delicious lunch and tea had been prepared with no expenses spared. Many spring flowers were in full bloom now and the scene was bright, colourful and undeniably pretty. The parlour room was set out for gift-giving and the party tea before they would go to the Entrance Hall for a dance.

It had all been planned to the finest detail but Mrs Barry had not anticipated the dramas of youth and the events which would unravel throughout the night, including the culmination of Thomson's wicked plan...


Anne arrived to the party just after lunch.

Everybody saw her come into the garden and looked up from where they sat on the picnic blankets eating their dainty lunches from china plates. There was a flurry of whispers throughout the garden and everyone stared as though Anne had two heads. Anne blushed. Scanning the crowds of classmates, she suddenly wondered where Gilbert was? He didn't appear to be at the party yet...

Diana pulled her best-friend indoors to the parlour out of the crowd of watching eyes.

"Oh I'm so glad you're here - how are you, my dear Anne?" Diana asked kindly, her beautiful lacy-blue dress contrasting wonderfully with her dark eyes.

"I'm doing quite well, I think. It's hard to tell lately, Diana - but I'm glad to be here. I'm so sorry for my lateness, honestly I am. I have this for you--" Anne pulled a parcel from her bag. "You can open it now, I don't want all the fuss of gift-giving later with everyone else."

Diana beamed. "Oh Anne - you didn't have to get me anything!"

"That's ridiculous! It's your birthday, Diana. You're my best-friend!" Anne dismissed her.

"Well, thank you awfully. You look simply stupendous might I add." Diana winked, knowing Anne would appreciate the large word. "Green does suit you just fine."

Anne laughed. "Stop, I know there's no man here who would look twice at me while you're in the room... You look a dream today, perhaps even more so than usual due to the rosy glow of maturity which a birthday party gives."

"That is silly, Anne. You've bloomed into such a rose, anyone would be a fool to miss it. Who did your hair?" Diana asked admiringly. "You appear so grown up."

"Marilla. Isn't it lovely? I don't mind the red so much when it's plaited as beautifully as this, and I shall hardly mind it at all when I see the look on Josie Pye's face when she sees me with my hair in such a style - I know she intended to be the first girl in school to wear her hair up to show off how grown up she was."

"She can never truly be grown up when she insists on behaving like an immature child all the time." Diana said, giggling.

The two girls laughed. Anything which gave mean Josie a taste of reality was alright in their books. It was good to be laughing about something so menial as winding up a bully, it seemed almost like the old days... They smiled at each other.

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