#67. He Can't Sleep...

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Niall: “Come on Niall aren’t you tired yet ?” You said rubbing his back once again. “No” He whined. You could barely keep your eyes open, eyes burning, yet you forced them open because Niall couldn’t go to sleep. His hair was a disheveled mess, fringe covering the upper half of his face, but you could still see his tired, sleep, red, sparkling ocean blue eyes. He was tired, which he had told you many times, but his body and brain just wouldn’t let him go to sleep. So there you were at 3:18 in the morning, rubbing his back, running your hands through his hair, singing to him, and trying to lull him to sleep. After a long time of this on-going process, Niall’s breaths started to slow down, and eyes started to shut, eventually going to sleep. You brought your warm gentle hands to his now peaceful face and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight baby.” 

Louis: "Y/N" "Y/N" "Y/N!!!" Louis whined once again. "Huh?" You said, in a raspy voice. "I can’t go to sleep." He said making his face form into a pout. His hair was messy, torso now bare, fully exposing his tattoos that you adored, he was only in his boxers, that’s band was now stretched out from tossing and turning in bed, and his stormy blue-grey eyes were wide open, obviously fully awake. "Come here then." You gestured, arms open, for him to come and cuddle. He then scooted his body next to yours, and molded his body into your frame. You were now playing the role of the big spoon, with him lying next to your chest. You started to rub his stomach, hoping that would soothe and calm him down. "Come on Louis go to sleep, shh." You hummed. His eyes slowly shut, leaving only the sound of his slow steady breathes in the room.

Harry: You were awaken to Harry, whispering into your ear. “Y/N, Y/N……” He sang. “Yes Harry?” You asked, a little annoyed that you were woken up. “I can’t go to sleep.” He said pouting, making that puppy dog face that he knew melted your heart. “Uhhh fine, I’ll stay up with you, but you’re lucky your cute Styles.” You winked while Harry’s smile grew. “Yay!” He screamed like a child. “What movie do you want to watch then?” He said getting up from the bed, and walking to the cabinet in your bed room where you kept your movie collection. “Lion King !!” you yelled. Although childish, it was yours and Harry’s favorite movie. “Ok!” Harry yelled back, just as excited, grabbing the movie and putting it in the DVR. And there you both sat, for about 30 minutes watching the Lion King, until you noticed Harry being unusually quiet next to you. You turned to the side to face him. He laid there peacefully, eyes shut, hair covering his face, body sprawled out, arms flinging in different directions, and the sight was just adorable. “Goodnight Harry.” You whispered, snuggling up next to him.

Liam: You woke up to a very dry mouth at 2:00 in the morning and you weren’t very pleased. So you were going to head down to the kitchen and get a glass of water. As you went down the stairs, you noticed the lights were open and started to get a bit concerned. Quietly, you went down the steps to figure out who it was. “Liam? What are you doing up?” You asked, relieved that it wasn’t a burglar. “I couldn’t go to sleep.” He said. Sprawled out onto the couch he was, torso exposed, sweat pants hanging low, hair looking not so neat, and Xbox controller in one hand and phone in the other. “Oh ok then.” You said, proceeding to the kitchen to get your glass of water. As you gulped down the water, Liam asked, “Y/N, can you come cuddle with me, I’m bored.” He said pouting. You accepted his generous offer and laid on each others arms for the rest of the night until both of you went to sleep. 

Zayn: You reached to snuggle into Zayn’s arm’s when your hand hit the cold empty bed sheets. You forced your eyes open, eyes adjusting to the dark to see what was going on. Zayn was no where to be found and you were alone and cold in bed. You noticed a bright light though coming from the bottom of the stairs and figured Zayn to be downstairs. You dragged your tired body out of bed and your feet had now met the cold ceramic tiles in the hallway. You made your way down the stairs and down to the 1st floor where you supposed Zayn would be and he was. He was actually in his art room, spray painting his now recent art project. Zayn’s cheerful eyes met your tired dull ones as you walked into the art room. Eyes now lighting up, you gasped at his work. “It’s beautiful.” You breathed out. “Thanks.” He said also proud of his work. “Although beautiful, why? It’s almost 5 in the morning. “I couldn’t go to sleep.” “Well me and the bed missed you.” You said sadly. “Why don’t you come and go to sleep yeah?” You added. “Okay, to admit I’m a bit tired now.” 

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