#138. What he does to get your attention

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What he does to get your attention

Zayn -Takes your phone: because let's be honest that's the only reason you're not paying attention to him and it's not that important. He knows it too.

Harry - He kisses you: right on the mouth, it's unexpected, passionate and leaves you in a daze, making you forgot what you were doing previously; officially, giving him your full and undivided attention.

Liam -Says your name: over and over and oh yeah over again, until you can't focus because of the word leaving his mouth in a maddening rhythm.

Louis -Attacks you: He pushes over, jumps on top of you, and tickles you, until you turn red and promise between gasps of breath to give him attention; sealing it with a chaste kiss.

Niall - He Bribes you: with food, candy, kisses, dates, anything he can think of before coming up with an offer you don't have the will power to refuse.

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