Part 1

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[(y/n)=your name, (h/c)=hair colour, (e/c)=eye colour, (n/n)=nickname, etc.]

I sit on the couch with my laptop sitting in my lap while I eat a bowl of ice cream. Mint chocolate chip has never tasted this boring in all my years of eating it. Maybe it's because I've had it every day for the past two months... I think to myself. I take one last bite, then stand up and walk to the kitchen, tossing the bowl into the sink. I'll put that away later.

I return to my computer, ready to re-re-watch another episode of (favourite show), but decide to grab a blanket first. Ever since my parents left a couple of months ago for a 'business trip', I have barely eaten a thing, except for my mint ice cream and an occasional vegetable or fruit, of course. During this time, I've lost a lot of weight, which causes me to be cold more often since I have less fat on me to keep me warm. I'm not doing it intentionally, but I just have forgotten to eat, or i get too lazy (*cough cough* depressed *cough*) to get up and make food. I needed to lose some weight anyway.

I wrap the blanket around my shoulders, then sit back down and tap the play button on my computer screen. I continue to watch miserably, not able to laugh, smile, or even react in the slightest to what the characters do. How much I value life really has decreased these past few months, and I can't really find pleasure in anything anymore. I've finished all the video games I own, I've watched the entirety of all my favourite shows and even ones that just seemed somewhat interesting, I've watched probably every video on my suggested list on YouTube, and I've read every book I own, digital or paper. Still, none of these bring any sort of fun or entertainment to me. Now I'm merely doing it to pass the time until something better comes along in my life or until I eventually die from whatever cause.

I would call my parents and try to talk to them, but they won't answer. They want nothing to do with me. You may ask how i know they're not dead? They butt-dial me every now and then, and I can hear them talking. One time I even heard them talking about how they love the new home they bought for just the two of them and that they can't believe how quick it was to move in. They said they're excited to start over and live in that house together, only the two of them. Without me.

They've forgotten about me.

But I don't care anymore. I just hope that i run out of food soon so i can starve to death since they didn't leave me any money to buy food nor a car to even get to a foods store. It doesn't help that I live at least half an hour away from any sort of town or shop. Rest In Pepperonis, me.

I have no friends or family to help me out either. If I did have anyone, I would have called them already, but instead I just sit in silence. Alone.

My screen glitches out, making the characters's faces lag and become overly pixelated. This has never happened before. My computer has never acted this strange. It's usually fast and smooth, never lagging or glitching. What's going on? I try to move my mouse to exit the tab, but the little arrow is frozen on screen. Suddenly, the whole video becomes choppy, skipping to different parts of the episode and playing a different clip of sound each time.

"I see you" the clips sound out. My eyes widen. That had to have been coincidence, right? My heart feels as though it's about to pound out of my chest. This is absurd.

The video crashes, sending my screen completely black, except for the flickering white line on the top left hand corner, like something you would see on a document you'd type on. Maybe I should try typing something? That might help my computer unfreeze, or maybe it will just help me find out if it's even frozen or not. I try to type out a few letters, but none of them appear on the screen, yet the line keeps flashing. So it's not frozen... what's going on?

Suddenly, letters appear on the screen, but they aren't any of the ones I typed.

//hello, (y/n)//

My head starts to feel light as my heart pounds out of my chest and i feel my temperature rise. How does it know my name? I never put my name into my computer, I always used a fake screen name or username. How does it know my name? And how is this happening? Is it possible to force someone else's computer to glitch out and crash, then send a message to it without that person's consent? Who is doing this? And how is he/she doing it?

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