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"John what's wrong?" Bradley asked.

"Oh don't John what's wrong me!"


"Don't go plead to me after Charles caught you in bed with a girl!" I yelled.

"What?!?" He said. "John I would never."

"Never What never be with me huh, I wasn't lying when I said I was gonna pick you until now! I thought you loved me Bradley!" I said and tears started to fall down my face.

"John who told you that!"

"Charles. He said that you ordered a bottle of Champagne and he caught you."

"No John I swear I didn't check my phone records."

I grabbed his phone out of his pockets and check it and threw it at him. "You liar." I yelled.

"John I swear I came back from being with you I played on my phone for a while then I took a shower!" He cried.

"Oh yeah well then explain why it says you called."

"I can't John I can't! But I'm sure someone set this up, John I would never cheat on you even though we're truly not together I swear I would never."

"You little liar." I said and I walked out.

"John!" He said following me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled and Ashley walked out.

"John what's going on?" She asked walking up.

"Oh Ashley." I said and I pulled her against me and kissed her. "I love you Ashley." I said. Bradley stood there with the most hurt look on his face. "Face it buddy it's a competition and when you lose you just lose."

"What?" He said and his voice cracked.

"John baby what's going on?" She said looking at me.

"She did it." Bradley said.

"What?" Ashley and I said.

"She set this whole thing up. She got Charles to tell you that and then she came and did that to my phone while I was in she shower I swear."

"John what's going on."

"It's complicated."

"I would never do something like that."

"I know you wouldn't baby, now don't listen to Bradley he's just a big liar, let's go." I said and I walked into her house. Right before I shut the door I glanced back. Bradley stood there tears streaming down his face and he whispered John. Something washed over me for a split second that told me he didn't do it but as soon as it was there it was gone. I started to cry and I explained to her the whole story.

"Oh John I'm so sorry." She said and she hugged me.

"Baby, what type of shampoo or something did you use?" I asked.


"Cause you smell different."

"Oh I used the shampoo they gave me that must be it."

"Oh ok?" I said. "Can I see it?"

"Why are you questioning me John? Do you not believe me?"

"No I do I do it's just I'm kinda freaked out right now, I'm sorry you don't have to show me."

"It's ok I can show you if you want."

"No don't do that it's fine." I said.
"John, do you know where my wallet went!" Ashley asked.

"No but here take this." I said and I gave her five hundred dollars.

"No john."

"Yes take it." I said and I told her to go do what ever she wanted to do.

A few hours later she walked back in. "John can I borrow some more money I ended up giving half of it away."

"Oh yes how sweet of you, here just take what's left in my wallet, and make sure to give some more to the villagers."

"Oh you know I will J J."

"Bye baby." I said and she walked out. Just then there was a knock on the door. "Hello?"

"John." Bradley said and I went to slam the door on him when he stuck his foot in it. Pain swept across his face but he acted as if it never happened. "I'm sorry for whatever I did or whatever you think I did, I cant stand the thought of hurting you. I just wanted to let you know that I booked a flight home so that I won't bother you anymore."

"Ok." I said feeling no sympathy.

"I love you John even if you don't love me back, and when I get home I think I'm gonna demand a trade so that I don't affect you anymore."

"Don't your a good player the team will miss you." I said quickly.

"Ok." He said and he turned around.

"Oh hey John. Wait what's he doing here?" Ashley said.

"Don't worry about it." I said and Bradley lip synced I love you and walked away. Igor a weird feeling in my stomach but shut the door. "I'm gonna go lay back down I haven't been feeling to good." I said.

"Oh no." Was all she said.

"Bradley would have helped me." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing I was just saying how I'm ruining this trip."

"Oh, well I'll see you around when you get better."

"Ok." I said and I went and laid back down and did nothing all day. Night came and she fell asleep beside me. I couldn't sleep so I slipped out and looked around. I opened a closet and a bunch of bags fell out. I looked through them and there were gold necklaces and diamond rings and everything. "What?" I said picking one up.

"What are you doing looking through that stuff?" Ashley snapped.

"Get our now." I growled.

"What why?"

"You liar." I said then it hit me. "Bradley was right." I yelled and I stormed out and grabbed my stuff and called a taxi. I called my private jet and he came in. I hoped on the plane, I was headed home.

Sorry it's such a short chapter, but I just had to get this one out.

Bad At Love {John Wall}Where stories live. Discover now