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"Dude that girl is looking at you." Bradley said while walking down the street later that day. I just rolled my eyes. Then they walked up to us.

"Your John Wall right." The girl said more in a statement than a question.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well Mr. Wall, has anyone ever told you how cute you are."

"I'm taken." I said quickly.

"Oh well with who? Maybe I can top them."

"Oh you'll never be able to top him." I said and I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me.

"Oh how cute, but I'd love to make you straight John." She said and she ran her hand down my chest and Bradley took a sharp breath in and tensed up, but it was just to act like he cared.

"Please." I said taking a step back.

"Please what John?" She said slowly, "I can call you daddy if you'd like."

"Look just stop he's obviously not interested and the more you try the more he's not gonna like you, and how could he ever like you anyways." Bradley snapped and we both stopped, that's the first time I've seen him that mad since...The Incident with Draymond.

"Well I've got go, see you around John." She said and she walked past me and ran her hand down my arm.

"Boyfriend really?" He said looking at me confused.

"Look I'm sorry it's the first thing I could think of cause you were right there, but why would you snap like that?!"

"It just bothered me." He said and he started to walk and I stood there for a second confused then I brushed it off and caught up to him.

"Hey I'm sorry if I made you mad." I said and he stopped and turned and looked at me.

"No you didn't make me mad."

"But you just seem so different it's like first you seemed so mad and it's like I haven't seen you that mad since the fight with Draymond, then you kinda just switched gears and became quiet and I don't know never mind."

"It's fine and I'm sorry for being like this its just been a crazy day."

"Yeah, well I think I'm gonna head home and rest up for practice tomorrow."

"Yeah I was thinking the same see you tomorrow bro." He said and I said goodbye, and just lie that he was the same old Bradley.
"Ugh." I said and I threw a pillow at my phone cause my alarm was going off. It fell off but kept buzzing and I slowly got out of bed. I picked my phone up off the floor and turned my alarm off. I looked at the time and realized if I didn't hurry I was gonna be late. I jumped in the shower and took the quickest shower ever. I brushed my teeth put deodorant on and got dressed. I grabbed water and Gatorade from the fridge and bragged my bag and slipped my shoes on and I slid my phone in my pocket. I jumped in my car and sped over to practice. I jumped out and looked at my phone. I was ten minutes early.

"Hey John." Bradley said walking over and I smiled at him.

"New shoes?" He asked and I glanced down.

"Shit." I mumbled cause I had slipped two different shoes on. "No I was just in a hurry."

"Oh ok." He said and he laughed and I glared at him. We walked in laughing and talking.

Bad At Love {John Wall}Where stories live. Discover now