Chapter 1: There's a world so high

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( Time Skip )

After opening the door. I was in a room. Again. But it wasn't the place that I was before. The previous one is dark but this time the room is colorful. The room has red wallpaper with hearts and lines on it. It was a small room. There I saw a cupboard, a little coffee table, a casket and potted flowers. On top of the table, placed a small heart shaped cake and a vial filled of red liquid.

Yeah I know what you're thinking. I was in the place of Alice. Thinking about which to choose; the cake or the vial/bottle. Seriously I've read the book Lewis Caroll wrote. So I'm taking the vial. I was about to drink the liquid from the vial when I didn't noticed there was a small note. How stupid of me. The note says:

Drink me

And your world goes in a city full of realism

I checked from the heart shaped cake as well. It says:

Eat me

And your world goes in a land full of surrealism

Realism and surrealism. I know those words. Both has a difference. But I don't know what to choose. Realism sounds okay, I've always wanted to know things that are real. Surrealism, it's okay too since I want to be in my imagination for some time, avoiding all of my problems, the constant shouting of my obnoxious older sister and the noises from the world.

I really don't know what to choose. Should I just drink the vial or eat the cake? Or even mix them perhaps? Wait what?!

Mixing's a bad idea. I just have to find an answer. Ok fine, I'm eating the cake. With a small bite on the cake, you have been expecting this haven't you? Well it wasn't as expected.

I didn't grew larger. Nothing happened. All I know is that I said " I should've drank the vial, I'm such an idiot!" before passing out. I blackened out.

( Time Skip )

I groaned. Oh finally, my consciousness went back to my whole system again. I thought it was the end of me. I woke up, feeling a bit dazed. As I stood up, I wasn't in the room again.

I was in a forest. But I thought all forests are wonderful. But this one isn't. The trees aren't green. Instead it doesn't have leaves, just a sharp tower full of needles. Dead leaves everywhere. The sky is gray and the wind gives a bone-chilling coldness shivering you. It's a quiet but eerie atmosphere. I have no choice but to walk.

I walked silently, didn't mind the crunching of the leaves I was stepping on. I'm just observing the place. It's like I'm in a mystery book. I'm not scared, just a bit frightened that's all. I just stopped. There's something in these woods that are not really supposed to be here. Another door?.......... Ok what the heck is going on?!

Was the note from the cake trying to trick me? This isn't surrealism. It's just.............well I can't think of a word. What the hey is going on?! Man I should've drank the vial. I regretted choosing the cake over the vial. I'm such an idiot. I looked at the door again. Seems I have no choice.


I was thinking about the very first time I got into the first dark room then to the second room, ate the cake and entered the creepy forest when I opened the door.

" Woah." This. Is. So. Weird. I was awestruck at the place. It was beautiful! Everything is so colorful. Trees are tall. Flowers in bloom. Animals peacefully residing. Great white caps atop on the enormous mountains. A rainbow that appeared on the cotton candy clouds. This is so amazing! I'm in a wonderland. I'm pretty sure that the cake led me here. "Thanks cake! I take that back!" I shouted. It feels so silly shouting or saying things that doesn't even make sense.

The frown from my face quickly melted and turned into a smile. Everything is so beautiful. Perfect.

I saw a trail that leads into somewhere. I followed the trail. As I walk on the trail, I simply marveled at the sights at this place. A place where no eyes has ever seen. It made me smile even more. And there I walked toward the end of the trail. It led me on an old dock. I love docks. It probably reminded me of my old home, where I lived nearby the sea. Every weekends I would go on the docks and view at the sea. How I love the sea. But it wasn't the sea that I saw. A lake. A crystal clear lake. The air is calm now. A seagull was just gliding by. Everything seems so peaceful. Maybe I should live here. But wait, living here means I have to leave my parents. They won't accept that. Yeah I know. Getting stuck in your lovely world sounds cool but I guess life tells me to be real instead. Yep this is life.

The quiet lake was disturbed by a deep noise. It nearly exploded my eardrums. A fountain! Someone did it. That's when I noticed there was a whale. It flicked its huge tail and there. It made a splash. Once more, it blew water out of its blowhole. It's so cool. The whale looked at me. It swam just a few meters from the dock. In Australia, whales usually migrate and they would have to stay there to rest then go back on their journey. No matter how it sounds cool but authorities would advise us to stay away from them, giving them a little 'peace and quiet time'. As every person in Australia would do, I stepped back. The whale, finally gave a spout of water and I got wet from the water. It seems that the whale gave this as a friendly gesture as if it was saying " Hello! Welcome to wonderland." I've never thought a whale would do that. " THANK YOU MR. WHALE!!" I said in my silly whale voice. The whale swam away and went on to continue its journey. What a lovely experience!

( Time Skip )

I kept thinking about the whale when I noticed the sky was painted in navy blue. Stars are glimmering. The Northern Lights appeared. " Awesome!" I said, admiring the sky. My happiness grew even more when I saw little glowing fireballs floating in the air. Fireflies! We don't have much fireflies in my place before. So enchanting. However my happiness is short-lived. I feel two hands embracing me. My face is flushed with pure red. I looked back.

A person appeared out of nowhere.

The person was a he. He was taller than me, well I can reach him a bit. He had brown eyes, his hair is medium brown with some auburn tints and a smile that made me blush even more. Who is this guy? My mind asked. I'm so confused right now. Who is he?

" Hello Alice." said the person as he let me go from that embrace.

" Who are you?" I asked.

" I see. You chose surrealism over realism." the person said in a calm voice.

I didn't say anything. My mouth was shut. As an introverted girl, I'm too shy to speak.

" Shall we dance?" He asked, reaching his hand.

" Should I know you?" I finally asked the mysterious person.

" No, but I know you. You're Alice. And you know that too." He replied.

" My name's not Alice. My name is Allison." I said, trying not to get disappointed.

This person got a bit shocked. I was just staring at him. Dumbfounded.

I was kinda expecting a few things for him to say back but he was whispering some words to himself. I hope he's not saying something bad about me.

" If you're not Alice.........then I'm not going to hesitate furthermore. Anyways, shall we dance?" he said, with some confusion mixed in his words.

My heart stopped. What did he say? Dance with him? Sounds lovely cause no boys had ever invited me to dance before. Seeing as a rare opputunity, I reached out his hand and there I feel my world turns slowly. We were twirling in the dusk. My heart was beating faster. This was so rare that I can't even breathe. We were having a waltz through the forest. The fireflies followed us, giving us some shine to see in the dark. Oh my! I suddenly feel a burning feeling inside my heart. Is this what they called................



Note: If you don't get it, here's a little explanation ( may include a little spoiler ): So Allison was dreaming. She opened the door. In her dream, yes she was Alice in her dream. She was lost in reverie. And also I made a few references in some Owl City songs in some parts of the story. Try to spot all of it. I hope you enjoyed reading this story.

P. S Chapter 2 will be published soon. #soon

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