Chapter 2: Wake me if you're out there

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I can feel this strange feeling over me as I danced with this unknown person whom I haven't even know his name yet. But nonetheless, this is so crazy. Should I believe the saying " Love is in the air"? Well I guess now. A calm atmosphere and sweet things I observed. This is wonderful! He gave me the last twirl when he touched my hand. He kissed my hand! I blushed even more. Right when he was about to....

" Allison!" a voice said.

" What?" I suddenly asked. I looked around but no one was calling me. Please let us continue this romantic moment.

" Allison!" the same voice. It was shouting.

I was about to feel it when I felt my head shaking. Is there an earthquake in my mind? Or was it because there's one happening in my dreamy land? Someone is shaking me. Definitely.

I was getting dizzy. My vision is blurring. The person whom I was with earlier just put me down, and carried me to a bed of roses.

" Sweet dreams, Alice. We shall meet again." The person said as he kissed my forehead and bid goodbye.

" Allison, wake up! Wake up you silly hallucinating kangaroo!"

My eyes opened. Gosh darn it! I left my wonderland. I was dreaming about the time I got there in the first place. The time I saw the wonderland. The time I was having a romantic moment.

Oh it was my sister. The person who wake me up. The very person who would literally wake me up using her torturous ways of shaking someone's head just to get out of her daydream. How dare she interrupted that.....that magical moment of mine!

" Is she awake now?" a familiar voice asked. It was Mum.

" Yeah Mum. She's so crazy dreaming about nonsense." my snobby older sister replied. I just want to punch her in the face right now.

" Oh what a relief." said someone. But I easily recognized the voice. It was Dad. I can tell him by his voice, since it was a bit gruff but soft.

I sighed. I was happily daydreaming when my sister did the honor of waking me up, causing everything in my dream to fade. I should give my sister a medal for disturbing a person for daydreaming.

But I wondered. Where are we now? I'll ask Mum.

" Where are we?" I asked, feeling lightheaded.

" We are on our way to America, dear." my mum said with a smile. She was so sweet and loving. However it still disturbed me of the fact that me and my family are going to a different country. Why do we have to move? I complained. Leaving my home isn't really a good thing to me. I don't want to move in America. I wanna go home. In Australia. I hate leaving my dear Australia. Leaving my home, relatives and some close friends behind. Why am I here sitting in an airplane chair kicking like a fussy baby and complaining about stuff of leaving. I should be home by now.

Suddenly something flashed in the back of my mind. Was it a beam of light? No but a memory. A flashback. I think it happened last night.

I was reading my favorite novel, Watership Down. I was quietly reading when I heard my parents went to the kitchen to talk about something. I ignored and went back to the reading. However I heard my mum gasp in surprise. She was saying things that I don't know. What happened? Is something wrong? I wondered. But I can't miss the fifth chapter of the book I was reading when suddenly...............

" Allison, Maddison. Will you come here to the kitchen please? Dad and I are going to say something urgent." My mum requested.

I obeyed and put down my book in a safe place, where my sister can't find it. I was about to go when I noticed my sister, who was still texting in her phone as usual. I went to her.

" Maddy. Mum is calling us in the kitchen. We have to go." I said.

But she continued texting.

I nudged her legs. " Maddy, Maddy. Mum's calling us and we better go." I said. But she didn't move or say anything. She was still texting as if she didn't hear anything. My cheeks were getting hot. My throat dried. I was clenching my fists and bit my lip. I'm pretty sure my sister was born deaf. Angrily, I took her phone away and turned it off. She looked at me with angry eyes.

" Allison! Give me my phone back! I'm not yet done texting my bestie Kathryn." She ordered. I want her to feel the same way she did to me. I didn't give her phone and closed my ears like I didn't hear anything.

" Allison! Give me my phone back!" She demanded. Nope, not giving it.

" Fine then. I'm going to take your 'precious' book and rip every page in there!" She threatened me.

" No way. I'm not giving this to you and we have to go to the kitchen now. Plus I hid my book in a place where you can never. Ever find it." I tried to face my sister bravely.


" No more but's. Mum's orders." I said. Yay I win!

So we went to the kitchen and there we saw our parents standing there. My mum looks happy. My dad looks relaxed. But why the smile Mum? I asked myself. Then my mother said:

" Girls, Dad and I are going to say wonderful news. James, will you do the honor of telling the girls?" My mum said and called Dad by his real name.

" Ok." He took a deep breath and hold his hands.

" Girls. Your mother and I decided that we should tell you these right now. I have some great news." He said.

Ok. Keep on talking Dad. I was getting interested.

" I've found a new job." My dad said. He was a composed and calm person.

" That's great Dad! I'm happy for you!" I exclaimed. My sister only smiled, without saying anything. My dad continued.

" may be sad when I say this. I'm sorry but uh...........we have to move in a new home." He said sadly.

What did he say? Move. In a new home? This can't be good.

" B-b-b-but wh-where D-d-dad?" I stammered.

" We are going to America! We are going to move in my hometown there. You're gonna love it there!" My mum exclaimed.

I was crushed. My sister was so happy, clapping her hands. My mum and dad just smiled. They were so happy except me. I don't wanna move to America! I want to be here in Brisbane! It can't be this way! My mind protested.

And so it was. I remembered everything. About leaving Australia. I blinked and sighed.

" Where in America Mum?" I asked. I kinda forgot to ask this.

" Minnesota, dear. That was the place where I was born. Don't worry, you're going to love it there." My mum assured. I looked at my world map. I located U.S.A and I saw the name " Minnesota". I haven't heard of that place before. But it sounds okay.

I just prayed that everything will be okay and I'm still dreaming about the person in my dream. I hope that he was real.

Out there somewhere.

Note: Thank you for reading. It took me a long time to re-write everything and corrected the wrong words. Chapter 3 is coming. Thank you for reading again and I hope you'll like it.

~ HootowlDragon29

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