Chapter Ten

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Patton's P.O.V

It's been a few hours since everything happened, since we found Virgil in the tub. I'm in my room now just thinking things over. There was so much blood. I hear a knock on my door. 

Then I hear, "Pat, it's Virgil. Can I come in?" I stand up quickly and open the door. 

"Of course. Come sit down." 

As soon as we sit on my bed he starts apologizing, "I'm sorry... Please don't be mad." I cut him off by giving him a hug and telling him it's all right. He starts silently crying. 

"Virgil, I'm not mad at you but I am scared for you. I know it's hard for you to open up to people but you can always come talk to me, day or night," I tell him.

"Do you want to tell me what all of this was about?" I ask. 

Once he calms down he says, "No, at least not yet." I nod understanding that he needs time. After a moment, I notice him biting his lip trying to hold back a smile. Something must have happened to make him happy. 

"Did something happen? I notice you're holding back a smile," I point out. He doesn't respond at first but eventually answers. 

He says, "It's Prince... he kissed me. Prince. Kissed. Me. I still can't believe it. I think he actually likes me." OH MY GOSH!

"So he told you then?" I ask with a bright smile which earns me a shocked reaction. 

"You knew? Why didn't you say anything?" he asks. 

Placing a hand on his shoulder I say, "Would you have really believed it coming from me?" 

He just nods before saying he's tired and would talk to me later. I give him one last quick hug. 

Then walk him to the door saying, "Rest up son and remember I love you and am here if you need me." I smile as he walks away and close my door.

Roman's P.O.V

Don't worry, when it happens you'll enjoy it. Those words echo in my mind. I know Anx would never actually do anything like that but it is a terrifying thought considering what happened in the imagination. 

"You would've gotten seriously hurt if I hadn't snapped out of it!" he says standing angrily. A boom of thunder outside his room. 

"What was I thinking?! What is wrong with me?!" he all but shouts. The weather outside is getting worse as he gets angrier. 

I stand up trying to get his attention by calling his nickname, "Anx..." 

He continues, "Thomas could've lost you! I could have..." 

I try again, "Anx... Please." There is a huge storm outside and I can't really see anything. It's still the middle of the day. 

"It would have been my fault!" he finally shouts.

"Virgil!" I don't yell but I say it loud enough and firm enough to get him to stop talking. I point towards the window and he looks out. 

"No.. am I doing that?" he whispers as he stumbles back until hitting the foot of his bed and sitting on the floor. As he calms down so does the storm until it's just a light rain. "Why does my magic only make things worse? Why did you have to save me? You should've let me die..." 

He whispers to himself but I hear every word. I walk over and sit in front of him grabbing his hands. 

"We saved you because we love you and we need you. Things wouldn't be the same without you. You can ask any of the others and I know they will say the same," I tell him.

Seeking Control: A Sanders Sides TaleWhere stories live. Discover now