1) the winter sun

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The snow settled comfortably on the branches of the tall trees that are scattered around the small countryside of Avonlea.
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert awoke to the sunlight shining through the window of which her favourite blossom tree takes root outside of.
She smiled.
Today will be good.
As she rolled out of bed she suddenly smelt the burning eggs and bacon of Marilla's cooking. It smelt delicious.
Anne made her way to the window and looked out, her eyes widened at the glorious sight. She grinned and sped downstairs.
"Marilla, Matthew have you seen how the snow has settled on the twinkling branches of the gorgeous blossom tree outside my room which looks perfectly scrumptious to the eye oh how it reminded me of the classic white Christmas I have read in my numerous books" she babbled on.
"Mhm yes" Marilla murmured as she placed a plate of food in front of Anne.
Anne looked over to Matthew expecting a response from him at least.
He didnt look up from his paper.
Anne sighed, but finished her breakfast without a word.

Anne put on her dress and pinafore whilst dreaming about what it's going to be like finally going back after her long break away when Matthew became ill.
She couldn't wait to see her bosom friend Diana and her rival Gilbert Blythe. She studied hard at home so she could beat him when she eventually could come back. Even though they have called a truce Anne can't help but take everything he does as a competition.
I guess I'm just a competitive person she tells herself.
Once she has everything ready she races downstairs giving Matthew and Marilla a quick peck goodbye before she waltzes out the door, murmuring to herself.

Hey guys I know it's short but I would rather make quality short chapters rather then long crappy ones x
Thanks for reading x
Vote and comment what things I should do x
Also check out my other story called Shirbert lemons (self promo ;) )
29th August 2018

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now