20) A big situation

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Cole and ruby walked in silence.

The only sound was the loud sniffles of Ruby crying, Ruby would not stop crying. It was driving Cole crazy. He longed to be back home, cuddled up in his sheets. Home. The word reminded him of the loss of their precious storybook hut. He sighed, where would he do his art now...

The crispy lightning-struck leaves crunched beneath Coles firm footsteps and Ruby's light dainty tip toes.

He turned around to see Ruby wiping her eyes once again, she hadn't stopped crying since they were running through the forest. She was the only reason they got lost in the first place.

If it weren't for her collapsing to the ground crying and Cole having to pick her up bridal style they would still be with Anne and Gilbert. She was only crying because Anne and Gilbert were holding hands which Cole found simply pathetic of her.

He was concerned about Diana and Charlie, they had lost them ages before. He hoped they were alright.

Suddenly a loud clopping of horse hooves snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Ruby! I think there's a road ahead!" He exclaimed in excitement. The sniffles stopped as she looked up, her eyes widening.

Cole grabbed her wrist tightly and they ran through the woods, Ruby muttered complains as they ran.

Finally they made it to a gravel road and just as a black carriage was approaching. They both panted and waved in signal.

Slowly the carriage stopped before them and an old woman stepped out, she wore a long black velvet dress and her grey hair was piled up beneath her black hat.

"Miss Barry! Oh thank goodness it's you!" Ruby chirped in excitement.

"You must be Ruby Gillis, Diana's friend." Miss Barrys stern voice replied.

"Yes, Diana is my dearest friend." Ruby giggled.

"And who is this strapping lad who is with you?" She questioned her eyebrows raised as she assessed Cole.

"Cole Mackenzie, ma'am." Cole nodded lightly.

"Nice to meet you Cole. Ruby why are you in such a state and at such an early time in the morning?" Miss Barry's eyes widened in shock at the state of the teenagers.

Ruby's light pink dress was soaked and covered in mud stains and her white apron was no longer white, her blonde hair was scraggy and had leaves intwined in them.

Cole's boots were layered with mud and his trousers covered in splatters of mud and twigs and leaves, his light brown cardigan was ripped and his hair stuck up.

"Oh Miss Barry, there was a dreadful storm and we lost Diana, Anne, Charlie and Gilbert whilst we were trying to escape! The storm ruined our hut! We have been trying to get home ever since!" Ruby explained as she sobbed.

"Oh dear, that is a big situation." Miss Barry looked sympathetic.

"Oh and to make matters worse we had to spent the whole night IN A TREE!" Ruby exclaimed her eyes widened.

Miss Barry just chuckled in response.

"Well come on both of you, let's get you home, we'll look for the others later, I bet your parents are worried sick."

Cole and Ruby clambered into Miss Barry's comfortable carriage, sitting opposite Miss Barry.

Ruby immediately drifted off to sleep, resting her head on Coles shoulders.

This left Cole and Mrs Barry.

"So Cole...tell me something about yourself." Miss Barry smiled.

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