12) Who will my prince be?

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As Anne and Diana walked to school they made up the decision Anne should just straight up ask Marilla to allow her to go the the ball as doing anything else won't impress her at all.
She's Marilla what else should they expect.

As they entered the school house it was full of buzz about the winter ball.
All the girls were gossiping about which boys will ask them and the boys were worrying if they would get rejected by the girls.
Anne overheard the boys worrying.
She left Diana and walked up to them all,including Gilbert but she didn't make eye contact with him.
"Just so you know..all the girls are desperate and will except most of you, no need to fright I'm sure you will all do splendidly" She whispered to them all.
She attempted not to stutter when she felt hazel eyes on her.
"Thanks Anne!" They all said ,even Billy, feeling reassured by her kind words.
"Also a few things, Billy, Josie wants you to ask her"
Billy blushed and mumbled a thanks
"Charlie,ask Diana please"
He smiled widely and went over.
She told the boys who likes who. Soon all of them had left to go ask the girls.
She heard squealing from behind her.
She then turned to Gilbert.
"You know who to ask..." she said as she started pulling away.
Gilbert clung onto her wrist.
She flinched at the feeling of his soft skin against hers.
Her belly filled up with butterfly's and her heart melted.
"Who will you go with Anne?"He asked his eyes showing a mix of concern,sadness and longing.
"I don't know really.."she muttered.
Gilbert was about to say something when Anne cut him off.
"It just can't be you Gil... I can't do that to Ruby." His face fell.
His eyes started to well but he rubbed them.
"Okay.." he muttered before storming off to find Ruby.
Anne stood in shock and defeat.
Who will my prince be?
She was snapped from her thoughts by a high pitched squeal.
Anne didn't want to be in the midst of all this joyful energy.
She ran off to the side of the school house, and wept.
No one will love me.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now