Welcome Back Nooglers

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Stuart's POV

I adjusted my backpack as I walked into Google Headquarters. Maybe I was just being overly dramatic, but it felt different walking in as an actual intern and not one of hundred kids applying.

We had received an email early last week explaining how our first day would go. First we would have an hour of orientation where they will lay out some basic work rules and regulations we had to follow or else we would lose our internship.

Then they would explained that we have each been assigned to work in a different apartment, under different people. Some of us would work with a group while others would work directly under someone.

Finally, they would tell us what department we are assigned, who we are working for and what we will be expected from us.

I sat next to my friends as we waited for orientation to start. Once it did, I couldn't focus on what they were saying. All I could do was wonder who I would be working for.

"Alright," Mr. Chetty cleared his throat. "Here is a list of your names and who you need to report to. Good luck on your first day!"

I stood up and put my backpack over my shoulder. I scanned the list, looking for my name. "Who are you working with, Stuart?" Neha asked.

"A woman named Elizabeth Martin."

"I've read up on her," Yo-yo said. "She's incredible. She's our age but is the head of the graphics department."

"Wow, that's impressive." I said, readjusting my backpack.

"I've worked with her. She's really nice," Lyle nodded. "She was the one who had the idea to have the Google graphic be more interactive. They hired her because of that, right on the spot."

"Cool," I shrugged. "Should be interesting."

We said goodbye as we left the conference room and headed our separate ways. I tried to shrug off the nerves as I made my way to Elizabeth Martin's office.

I was walking down the hallway when I spotted a door with her name on it above the words "Head Graphic Designer". I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Why is that door even closed," I heard a woman mumble. "Come in!"

"Ms. Martin?" I asked, opening her office door. I bit my lip when a girl my age looked up at me.

"Can I help you?" She asked, pushing her glasses further up her nose.

"Um, hi. I'm Stuart Twombly," I introduced myself.

"Oh! You must be the intern who is starting today," she smiled as she stood up, smoothed out her skirt and walked out from behind her desk. "Nice to meet you," she said, reaching her hand out for me to take.

I could already tell that she was extremely professional and mature for her age. . . Well, our age.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Martin." I said, shaking her hand.

"Oh please," she laughed as I let go of her hand. "Call me Liz. Ms. Martin makes me sound like I'm forty." She laughed.

Professional and funny. Maybe working for her won't be so bad. I hadn't noticed I was staring at her until she cleared her throat and turned around.

"Well, this is my office. Not much to it. My desk is here and yours is by the door." She turned around and faced me again, running a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry," she chuckled, nervously. "I'm not very good at this."

"It's okay," I laughed. She looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

"Okay," she said, fixing her glasses again. "Why don't you get comfortable? Um, get used to your desk, log into the computer, check your email. . ." She bit her lip and pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Sounds good," I smiled, trying to show her it was okay. She nodded as she went back to her desk and I sat at mine. My desk was to the left of the door, facing hers. I logged into the computer using the same login I used last summer.

As the computer loaded, I watched Liz run her hands through her hair. I couldn't help but notice that she was attractive. She had shoulder length dark brown hair with blue-green eyes and black glasses. I shook my head, silently scolding myself for even beginning to have those kinds of thoughts.

"Ms. Martin. . . I mean Liz," I corrected myself. She looked up at me and smiled causing her glasses to slightly fall down her nose.

"Yes?" She asked, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Your schedule says you have a meeting in a few minutes." I held in a laugh as she groaned.

"Yay," she mumbled. She took her glasses off and ran her hands through her hair.

"Let me guess, this meeting is the equivalent to Disney Land." I joked, making her laugh.

"Yeah, if Disney Land was only the waiting in lines part." We laughed as she put her glasses back on.

"You want to come with me?" She asked suddenly. "I mean, I know I didn't really sell it. . ."

"It could be a good learning experience," I shrugged.

"Great," she said, standing up and unplugging her laptop. I sat at my desk, watching her collect a few things, unsure of what I should do next.

"If you want, in that desk top drawer, there is a notepad and a pen. You can grab those and take notes. You don't have to take notes, but just in case you want to," she shrugged. I nodded before going through the drawer to find the notepad and a pen.

I stood up and followed her down the hallway. I could tell by how she kept running her hand through her hair that she was nervous. "You know, I should be the one who is nervous. Working for a girl my age." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"You don't have to be intimidated or anything," she shrugged running her hand through her hair and fixing her glasses. "I'm probably the least intimidating person in this office. No one. . ." She cleared her throat before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and readjusting her glasses.

"You know, you do that a lot."

"Do what?" She asked, turning towards me.

"Run your hand through your hair and push your glasses up your nose, even if they haven't fallen." I instantly wanted to take it back when I noticed her blush.

"Yeah," she stuttered. "It's a nervous habit I picked up in middle school."

I was about to apologize when two guys our age, walked up to Liz. "Good morning, hot shot." My eyes narrowed when they patted her on the back a little too hard.

"Hi Eric. Hi Kenny." She said, softly.

"Whoa!" The guy I'm guessing is Eric laughed. "Who's this?"

"Did they finally trust you with another assistant?" Kenny chuckled.

"This is Stuart," she introduced me. She looked at me with apologetic eyes before turning her gaze towards her feet.

"You know what they say about this one, don't you?" Kenny smirked, "playfully" nudging her shoulder.

I just furrowed my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. From the corner of my eye, I saw Liz close her eyes and take a deep breath.

"The real reason she never has an assistant is because two weeks in, they get sick of her craziness and quit," Eric said, putting his arm around Liz's shoulders. I looked at her and noticed her avoiding my gaze.

My blood started to boil as I noticed her eyes turning red from holding back tears. "I have a question for you two," I said looking between the two morons.

"Go ahead," Eric smirked.

"Ask whatever you want," Kenny finished.

"Do you always finish each other's sentences like two thirteen year old besties?" I smiled when Liz laughed. I sent them a smirk before turning towards Liz and dramatically offering her my arm. "Come along, Ms. Martin. We don't want to be late for your meeting."

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