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Stuart's POV

What happened next, happened in a blur. I continued to try and wake Liz up as I waited for the paramedics to come.

When they did, I stood up and took a hesitant step backwards. My hands shook as I watched them take her pulse.

"What happened?"

"I don't know," I stuttered, not taking my eyes off of Liz. "I walked into the office and she was unconscious."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Thursday. She's been on a business trip since then."

"Thank you."

"Wait," I said, finally turning away from Liz. "Is she going to be okay?"

The lady looked between Liz and I before sending me a soft smile. "She's going to be fine."


I sat outside Liz's room, my leg bouncing. About half an hour ago, a doctor walked into her room and hasn't come out since. I jumped when the door opened. I craned my neck trying to get even a glimpse of Liz.

"How is she?" I jumped up when the doctor started to walk away. "Do you know why she fainted?"

"She's fine," the doctor said softly. "We ran some tests and it turns out that she hasn't eaten anything the past few days."

"What?" My heart dropped.

"She's going to be fine, but we're going to keep her for a few days until her vitals are back to normal. Has she been extra stressed lately? Anything that could cause her to not eat or drink?"

"I umm. . . I don't know," I stuttered even though I did know.

It's my fault.

Liz wanted to stop talking about that night, but I wouldn't let it go. She was so stressed out because I wouldn't stop bothering her. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated with my self.

"You know," the doctor cleared her throat. "You can go in and see her."

"Really?" My voice got caught in my throat.

The doctor nodded with a small smile on her face. "Your girlfriend is going to be fine." She turned around and walked away before I could correct her.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Come in." Liz's voice came out weak. I slowly opened the door and smiled when she turned towards me. "Stuart? What are you doing here?" She asked, trying to sit up.

"I umm. . ." I cleared my throat as I awkwardly stood by the door. "I was actually the one who found you."

"Oh," she said softly, looking at her hands. I bit my lip waiting for her to say something. "Thank you," she said, slowly looking at me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, not moving from my spot by the door.

"I'm okay," she shrugged. "Mostly just tired, I guess."

I wasn't sure how to respond so I just nodded. As we sat in silence, the only sound was the constant beeping from her heart monitor. She opened her mouth to say something else, but I cut her off.

"I'm sorry."


"I said I was sorry."

"No," she stuttered. "I heard you. I just don't quite understand why you would be sorry."

I opened and closed my mouth, unsure of how to phrase what I was going to say next. She beat me to it. "This isn't your fault, Stuart. It was an accident. . . Sort of."

"The doctor said you fainted because you had extra stress in your life. I caused that. I caused you to be extra stressed because I kept pushing you. I should've. . . I should've accepted that you didn't want to talk about it and moved on. I'm really sorry, Liz."

"Stuart," she sighed, signally to the chair next to her bed. I didn't hesitate to sit down. I did hesitate whether or not to grab her hand, but decided against it.

"Let's talk about it," she said softly.

"Really?" My breath got caught in my throat as she nodded. "Okay," I cleared my throat and looked at my hands folded in my lap. "I know we were drunk, but. . . I don't know. It wasn't just some drunken night. It. . . It meant something to me. Ever since it happened, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Or you."

"Stuart," she whispered.

"I know," I said finally looking up at her. "I know we could get in trouble and I understand if you don't want to risk it, but. . . I had to tell you."

"It meant something to me too," she said with a small smile on her lips. Suddenly the smile fell from her lips. "But we can't do anything. I. . . I can't risk everything I've worked for. I'm sorry."

I gathered my courage and reached over, taking her hand in mine. "I am too."

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