Done Listening to Your Bullshit

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Stuart's POV

I walked into work the next day, knowing that Liz was still in the hospital. The doctor had decided to keep her overnight. When I left her hospital room, I walked home, unable to get her out of my head.

She felt something too. Does that mean she feels the same way about me as I do about her?

She doesn't want to risk it. Does that mean she wants something to happen even though it can't?

Even if I tried not to, I understood why she didn't want to risk losing her job. She has worked hard to get where she was at. If I was her, I wouldn't do anything to risk it either.

I sat at my desk and looked across the room at where Liz should be sitting. I didn't get much sleep last night. All I could think about was if Liz was okay and if I should've stayed longer.

I took my glasses off and rubbed my face. "Snap out of it," I mumbled to myself.

That's what's tough though. I can't just wake up and not have feelings for Liz. I wish it was that easy, but it's not. These kinds of feelings don't go away.

Maybe ever.

I jumped and was dragged back to reality, when the phone started to ring. I put my glasses on before getting back to work.


I had just gotten back to the office after going to lunch with Neha, Nick and Billy when I saw Eric and Kenny walking down the hall. I silently prayed they would keep walking, but I groaned when they turned into our office.

"Stuart!" Kenny smirked. "How's it going, buddy?"

"Yeah, how's it going with no babysitter?" Eric smirked.

"She's coming back tomorrow," I mumbled, turning away from my computer.

"Bummer," Eric shrugged. "I was kind of hoping she would stay in the hospital. Forever."

"We all know that's where she belongs. There or an asylum," Kenny chuckled.

I didn't try to stop myself as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"I heard she was in the hospital because she had an ulcer that finally exploded," Eric said turning towards Kenny.

"Really? Because I heard that she couldn't take the stress and took a bunch of pills."

"You know that neither one of you are right," I sneered, gripping my hands into fists.

"Then what did happen, Stuie?" Eric smirked.

"She fainted."

"Why?" Kenny crossed his arms, pretending to care.

"Because she hadn't eaten in a few days," I mumbled. I bit my tongue angrily as they started to laugh.

"That's so pathetic!" Eric said between laughs.

"Who "forgets" to eat?" Kenny laughed, adding air quotes.

As they continued to laugh and make jokes about Liz, I looked down at my shaking hands. I clenched and unclenched them, trying to calm my breathing. The last straw was when Eric made a joke about how Liz should just get it over with, put everyone else out of their misery and kill herself.

I'm not proud of what I did next.

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