Worth It

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Stuart's POV

I walked in the work the next day with an extra skip in my step. I passed Eric and Kenny on my way into work and they froze when they saw me. I sent them a smirk before walking past them. When I got to the office, I unlocked the door and logged onto my computer. My leg bounced as I looked at the clock.

Liz was coming back to work today.

She wasn't coming in until the afternoon so I spent the whole morning organizing the office and watching the door, waiting for her to walk in.

After lunch I walked into the office disappointed when I didn't see Liz or any sign that she has come back.

"What's got you all sighy?"

I turned around to see Liz standing behind me in the doorway.

"Liz," I let out a sigh of relief. I stepped forward and pulled her into my chest, making her gasp. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I've missed you," I whispered into her hair.

"I've missed you too," she whispered back. I pulled away and looked at her tired eyes.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, rubbing my hands up and down her arms.

"I'm okay," she shrugged and walked past me to her desk.

"Are you really?" I asked as I followed her. I stopped in front of her desk and crossed my arms. "Or are you pretending to be fine for everyone elses' benefit?"

She looked up at me and bit her lip. She took a deep breath before annunciating, "I'm fine."

I unfolded my arms and walked around her desk until I was standing in front of her. "You know you can trust me right? You can tell me anything," I whispered.

"Thank you, Stuart." She sighed before gently putting her hand on my arm. "But I mean it when I say I'm fine. A little tired, but still fine."

She turned around and sat down at her desk. I bit my lip and hesitated before returning to my desk.

The whole day, I kept stealing worried glances at her. Sometimes she noticed when I was staring, but most of the time she didn't.

I looked away from Liz when an IM popped up on my computer.

Neha: How's she doing?

I looked up at Liz before typing.

Me: Good, I think. She says she's fine, but I have a feeling she's just telling me what I want to hear.

Neha: Maybe you should talk to her. . .

Me: If you don't remember, I've already tried that. It's actually the reason she fainted in the first place.

Neha: That was not your fault, Stuart.

I looked up at Liz and was overcome with guilt.

Neha: You should also talk to her about what happened the other day.

Me: What happened??

Neha: You punching Eric and Kenny.

Me: Oh right. . . That.

I cleared my throat looking up at Liz. "Hey, Liz."

"Yeah?" She questioned, fixing her glasses. I bit my lip when I realized how much I missed her doing that.

Geez, I'm whipped.

"I umm. . . I have to tell you about something that happened while you were gone."

"Oh? Did you have any issues with the design team?"

"No," I stuttered. "It's umm."

"Stuart? You okay?" She asked, getting up from her desk and walking over to mine.

"I punched Eric yesterday," I rushed out.

She froze when she registered what I had said. "What?"

"And Kenny," I added.

"You punched them?" She asked, slowly. I bit my lip and nodded. I heard her let out a shaky breath as she ran her hand through her hair.

"Stuart," she sighed.

"They kept running their mouths. Making jokes," I said, jumping up but not moving from behind my desk.

"Okay," she shrugged. "They always make jokes."

"About you," I interrupted her.

"What?" Her breath got caught in her throat making me regret ever telling her.

"They kept laughing about what happened. They kept laughing at you and I couldn't. . . I couldn't just stand by and listen to them talk shit about you."

"You shouldn't have done that," she sighed walking back to her desk.

"Why?" I scoffed. "Because you think for some dumbass reason that you deserve it?"

"Stuart," she sighed as she turned around.

"You think you deserve all the shit they dish out to you. But let me tell you something Liz, you don't."

"I'm not saying that I deserve it. I'm just saying that there is no point in fighting back because they choose what they want to hear."

"So what?! Liz, you can't just take it." It came out harsher then I had meant it to.

"Stuart, sometimes you just have to grin and bear it."

"No, you don't." I walked up to her, standing right in front of her. "You don't deserve the shit they do."

"Stuart," she sighed, turning away from me. I grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking away.

"Do you want to go on a walk with me?"

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