Best Night Of My Life

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Stuart's POV

Group Chat: Stuart, Neha, Yo-Yo, Lyle, Nick, and Billy

Stuart 😎: Hey guys. I really need some advice. Wanna meet for lunch at the Pizza Parlor?
Neha ❤️: I'm in!
Lyle 🤓: Me too.
Nick 🤠: How am I still hungover from last night?
Billy 🤪: @same
Stuart 😎: First of all, Billy it's # not @. And Nick it's because you are like a hundred years old.
Neha ❤️: 😂
Billy 🤪: Come on, Stuie. I thought we were passed all the "old man" jokes.
Stuart 😎: Never call me Stuie.
Stuart 😎: Ever.
Stuart 😎: I mean it.
Stuart 😎: And we will never be passed the "old man" jokes. There are too many.
Neha ❤️: What about you, Yo-Yo? You in?
Yo-Yo 😅: I'm in. Also, I can't remember anything that happened last night. . .
Neha ❤️: 😂
Stuart 😎: Seriously? Dude. . .
Neha ❤️: 😂
Lyle 🤓: Buddy, you made out with a stripper. . . Hard.
Stuart 😎: Let's just say you ruined another pair of pants.
Neha ❤️: 😂
Yo-Yo 😅: Oh geez. . . Why do I ever agree to go out with you guys? It always ends with me being the most embarrassed.
Stuart 😎: It won't this time. . .
Neha ❤️: Wait, what? Stuart, did something happen last night?
Lyle 🤓: No way. . .
Nick 🤠: What happened?
Billy 🤪: Yeah, I can't wait to hear a story where Stuart is the ass.
Stuart 😎: Well, I am the ass in this story. Anyway, I'll explain at lunch. 12:30 work?
Neha ❤️: See you then 😉
Lyle 🤓: Can't wait to hear how Stuart was the ass.
Neha ❤️: We all can't wait for that.
Stuart 😎: Ha ha 😒
Nick 🤠: We'll be there.
Billy 🤪: ☝🏻
Stuart 😎: Wow, Billy. Didn't know you knew what emojis were let alone how to use them.
Billy 🤪: 🖕🏻
Yo-Yo 😅: 12:30 works for me.


I sat in our regular booth, my leg bouncing as I watched the door. "Want another?" The waitress asked for the fourth time since I sat down.

"Oh umm." I looked at my empty class before looking at her slightly judgemental face. "Sure," I shrugged going back to watching the door.

A few minutes later, we were all sitting at the table. Once we ordered, everyone looked at me expectantly.

"So, what did you need to talk to us about?" Lyle asked, taking a sip of his soda.

"So," I cleared my throat before cracking my knuckles.

I opened and closed my mouth, unsure of how I was going to phrase what happened last night. I could simple tell them Liz and I got drunk and slept together, but that felt wrong.

"Stuart," Neha whined. "Just tell us."

"Yeah. Just blurt it out, like a bandaid." Billy shrugged.

"I think you mean rip it off like a bandaid, which is terrible advice," I mumbled.

"Come on, Stuart. It can't be that bad," Nick sighed.

Oh really, I scoffed.

"Last night," I paused. They looked at me, waiting for me to finish. I watched as they got annoyed.

"Stuart!" They all yelled.

"Liz and I slept together last night," I blurted out.

"You slept with your boss?" Neha yelled, louder than I wish she had.

I shushed her as I looked around the restaurant. "Why don't you yell that louder, Neha? I don't think Mr. Chetty heard you." I groaned, running my hands through my hair.

"Nice!" Billy cheered, reaching his hand out for me to high-five him. Lyle shook his head, grabbing Billy's wrist and pushing it down.

"You know you guys can be fired, right?" Lyle asked, slowly.

"What happened?" Nick asked, trying to hide his smirk.

"Well, we were drinking and dancing and drinking and dancing and next thing I knew. . . We kissed."

"Wait, who kissed who?" Neha asked.

"I'm not sure," I said, slowly. I looked up at them to see them all trying to hold in their laughter. "Go ahead," I sighed, signaling for them to let it out.

I rolled my eyes as they started laughing. I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms against my chest and waited for them to stop.

They didn't.

They continued laughing for seven minutes. And yes, I timed it.

"You done?" I asked. Slowly they stopped laughing. "Guys, it's really not that funny. I mean, we could get fired. I'd hate to be the reason Liz lost a job she worked so hard for all because one drunk night."

"One drunk night?" Nick asked, sending me a knowing look.

"What?" I sighed, looking at him. "What do you want me to say? That it was the best night of my life?"

He just sent me another knowing look with a small smile. "Fine," I sighed. "It was the best night of my life."

"You really like her, don't you?" Neha asked, sending me a soft smile.

"It's hard not to. I mean. . ."

"She is pretty cool," Lyle shrugged.

"Yeah. Last night, all I could think was how much of a badass this girl was," Nick said.

"I couldn't believe that she's your guys' age and has her own department," Billy added.

"She's pretty inspiring," Neha smiled.

"What do I do? Lyle you know Chetty. What should I do?"

"Stuart," he sighed. "It's not good. There is a strict rule stating that an intern cannot have a romantic relationship with a superior and. . ."

"And that's exactly what happened," I finished for him.

"It was one drunk night," Billy shrugged. "I'm sure you won't be in trouble for getting drunk and bedding your boss." I sent him a glare before turning my attention back to Lyle.

"I think the one person you need to talk to is Liz," Neha said sending me a sympathetic look.

"She's right," Lyle nodded. "Talk to Liz and make sure you both agree to keep it quiet."

"That's a conversation I'm not looking forward to."

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