Taking Matters Into My Own Hands

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Stuart's POV

I held my breath as I knocked on his door. "Come in," I heard him call out.

"Mr. Chetty?"

"Stuart," he smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"I umm. . . I wanted to talk to you about Liz."

"Oh?" He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes. "Is everything okay?" He asked slowly as he gestured for me to sit down.

"Yeah," I said quickly when I realized what he thought I meant. "She's great. I don't know if you're aware but Eric and Kenny. . ." I rambled as I sat down.

"Spread rumors about her, yeah I know. I never trust anything they say about her. Like how they said you and Liz were dating."

"Actually," I cleared my throat. He raised his eyebrows as I continued. "A few months ago, we got drunk and slept together. Then we started dating, but last week, Eric and Kenny said something to me and she got nervous so. . . We broke up. But the thing is, I want to be with her. And I know we can both lose our jobs, but I'll quit if she can keep hers."

"You'd really give up a chance to work here full-time? For her?" Chetty asked, leaning on his elbows.

"Of course," I shrugged. "I know what some people think about her. I know they think she doesn't deserve her department. I know Eric and Kenny are jealous of her, but. . . Liz is. . .  She's. . . I'm in love with her."


"I'm in love with her. She's amazing and I couldn't help but fall for her. I'm willing to risk everything. As long as I can be with her."

He didn't say anything at first. He just sat back in his chair, folded his arms and studied me. "Does she know?"

"No, she doesn't. She doesn't even know that I'm here, right now, talking to you."

"Why are you here? Talking to me, telling me the truth?"

"Because I can't do it anymore. I can't work with her, be around her, without being able to be with her. I've never felt like this before and I can't lose her. Even if you fire me right now, I wouldn't care as long as I had her. I love Liz. And I know that it's against the rules for her and I to be together. Which is why I'm here. Fire me, punish me, whatever. Just let Liz keep her job."

I held my breath, waiting for him to say something. He sighed as he leaned forward and took his glasses off.

"Stuart," he sighed, putting his glasses on. "I hired Liz because I saw her potential. Yes, she was young but she was talented, smart, creative, and by far one of the hardest working individuals I have ever met. And she was nineteen. I couldn't wait to see what she would do. I knew what people would say when I gave a nineteen year old her own department, but I trusted my gut. And I don't regret it. Stuart, you've been working with Liz for three months. That's longer than any of her previous assistants."

"I know," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Eric and Kenny told me."

"I'm sure they did," he laughed. "Her past assistants have struggled with her crazy schedule, but most of them haven't liked being older than her. That's actually why I assigned you to her. I knew you could look past that. What I didn't count on, was you falling in love with her."

"Sir," I started but he cut me off.

"The rules say that an intern can't date a full time employee."

"I know," I stuttered.

"But," he interrupted me. "It doesn't say two employees can't date."

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