End of Day 1

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Stuart's POV

I logged off my computer and put my stuff into my backpack. I looked up and noticed Liz still working. "Umm, Liz?"

"Yes?" She asked, not looking up from the design she was sketching.

"It's ten past 5," I said slowly. She looked up at me and then at the clock on the wall.

"Oh right," she chuckled nervously. "Sometimes I get so focused I loose track of time." She cleared her throat before putting  finishing touches on her design.

We left the office together and I waited for her to lock her door. "So," she cleared her throat as we walked to the parking lot. "How was your first day working at Google? Was it everything you expected?" She asked dramatically, making me laugh.

"It was great. I'll be honest, I was kind of expecting to be getting coffee for people and taking phone messages. This," I paused looking over at her, "is better than I had imagined."

"Really?" She asked. "You weren't disappointed that your boss is basically your age?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I was actually really interested when Lyle told me about you. I was excited to get to know the badass who had her own department."

"Wow," she said under her breath. "Thanks. I'm not used to having an assistant who doesn't mind my age."

"Well," I said as we started to walk different directions. "Your old assistants were jackasses. You're stuck with me." I winked at her before turning around and heading towards my car.


Neha, Yo-yo, Lyle, Nick, Billy and I had made arrangements to meet up for dinner after work to talk about our first days. I walked into the restaurant and instantly recognized my friends. With a smile on my face, I walked over to our table.

"Stuart!" Neha smiled as she stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

We spent the night telling each other about our days. Yo-yo was an intern for the coding department. Nick and Billy both got assigned to work with the company outreach team. When Neha told us she was interning for the Social Media department I instantly thought about Eric and Kenny.

"What about you, Stuart?" Lyle asked. "How was it working for Liz?"

"It was pretty cool. Her designs are incredible."

"Isn't it kind of weird working for someone the same age of us? Isn't she like 20?" Neha asked.

"She's actually 22," Lyle corrected.

"Honestly, it's really inspiring. She had a good idea and got rewarded for it. And believe me she clearly deserves it. I mean she works hard. So hard she didn't even notice when the day was over. I went to a meeting with her this morning and it was clear that the other departments respected her. . . Well, except these two guys."

"Let me guess," Lyle sighed. "Eric and Kenny?" I nodded making him groan.

"Wait, Eric Layton and Kenny Willis?" Neha asked.

"Yeah," I sighed, trying not to get angry.

"Ew! I have to work for them. They insist we call them Mr. Layton and Mr. Willis," she said in a funky accent.

"Yeah, well Mr. Layton and Mr. Willis are assholes. They are just jealous that she runs her own department and they aren't there yet. What they don't know is that she is this really cool, badass chick."

I looked over at Nick and Billy to see them snickering. "What?" I sighed, getting annoyed.

"Sounds like someone has a crush on their boss," Nick said in a sing–songy voice.

I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. "She's a cool person and she doesn't deserve to be treated the way they treat her. They constantly put her down, spread rumors and attack her in any way they can."

"Why don't you invite her to the club Friday? She could drink, let loose, meet people her age who aren't egotistical assholes." Neha offered.

"That's a good idea. I'll ask her tomorrow."

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