First Googily Meeting

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Stuart's POV

With her arm looped through mine we walked down the hallway, towards the conference room. "Thank you," she whispered once we had gotten out of earshot.

"What's up with Evil Douche 1 and Evil Douche 2?" I asked, her arm still looped through mine.

"Eric Layton and Kenny Willis," she sighed with an eye roll making me laugh. I opened the door for her and followed her inside.

"Just ignore them," she said as we sat down. "They are the kind of guys who think they're cool and funny but. . ."

"Are actually huge dicks?" I finished for her, making her laugh.

"Exactly," she said as she grabbed her laptop out of her bag.

I hesitated before deciding not to ask anymore questions. At least for now.

My eyes narrowed when I saw Eric and Kenny walk in the room. They noticed me staring at them and sent me matching smirks. "They really are like Thing 1 and Thing 2," I mumbled, making her chuckle.

As the meeting started, I looked around the room still unable to believe that I was actually here. I worked my ass off and I don't regret anything. I worked hard and it paid off.

"Liz, are you working on the Halloween image?" Chetty asked, turning the attention to Liz.

"I am putting the finishing touches on it and am currently working on a few other holidays," she nodded.

"That's great, Liz. I can always count on you being ahead of schedule," Chetty praised making Liz blush.

"The only reason she is always ahead of schedule is because she doesn't have a social life," Eric joked. I looked around the room to see only Kenny laughing at Eric's comment.

Chetty cleared his throat before continuing, "Anyway, that's great Liz. Send them over to me whenever you have a finished design."

Liz nodded before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and looking at her hands in her lap. I looked up to see Eric and Kenny snickering to themselves.

The longer they laughed, the redder Liz's cheeks got. I looked over at her and noticed her email open. I pulled my phone out, smiling to myself.

I turned my attention back to Mr. Chetty as Liz received an IM. She looked at her screen and then at me. I bit my lip when I noticed her smiling.

Me: Do they not realize they sound like hyenas?

Liz Martin: I think they had sugar unsupervised.

I smirked when I read her message. I looked up at Eric and Kenny to see them not paying attention. I rolled my eyes when they started making inappropriate hand gestures.

I clenched my fist when they aimed them at Liz. They caught me staring and sent me a wink. I just rolled my eyes and started typing a message to Liz.

Me: What do you think would happen if we put them in two separate rooms?

Liz Martin: Are you kidding? They would explode if we separated their one functioning brain.

Me: I have to ask; do they go to the bathroom together too or are they able to do some things on their own?

Liz Martin: Nope. They have to go everywhere together, which is why neither one of them is good with girls. Instead of hooking up with hot chicks they just jerk each other off in the alleyway behind the bar.

I bit my tongue to hold in my laughter. I looked over at her to see her hiding her smile. When she noticed me staring at her, she sent me a wink.

The rest of the meeting was kind of boring, if I'm being honest. Don't get me wrong, seeing how the different departments worked was interesting but I couldn't stop thinking about what they said about Liz and her previous assistants.

I've only known her for less than two hours, but she didn't seem like the type of person who would go through a lot of assistants.

Maybe it's because we're both the same age, but it was easy to talk her. She was funny, relaxed and not as intimidating as I first thought.

So, why would people quit after two weeks with her?


After the meeting ended, I waited for Liz as she collected her things and put them back into her bag. She smiled before leading me out of the conference room.

"So how was your first Googily meeting?" She asked as we walked down the hallway to her office.

"Well, someone was distracting me the whole time," I joked, playfully nudging her with my shoulder making her laugh.

"That was the best meeting I've ever been to and I've been working here for three years," she said as I opened her office door for her. "Thank you."

"For the meeting or for opening the door for you?" I asked, still standing in the doorway.

"Both," she smiled. I smiled back as she sat at her desk and got right back to work.

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