Chapter 8

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Jeremiah usually kept himself well put together, (unlike Jerome, who always  looked like he rolled out of a haystack on a farm) but today he put more time into his appearance when he prepared for his museum tour with Elsie.

  From his bed, Jerome watched him through narrowed eyes, munching on an apple and it took Jeremiah's def control to not snap at the other redhead to get off his bed.

  "Don't get any funny ideas. Just because you look like me, doesn't mean you can flirt with her." Jerome warned and Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

"Jerome, you really need to speak to someone about these delusions." Jeremiah eyed his twin who growled warningly, a dark glint in his green orbs.

"Don't do something you'll regret Miah." Was the last thing Jerome said before he left their shared bedroom to wait outside for Elsie.

   When the lady of the hour finally arrived, she hugged and kissed Jerome who nuzzled her face, causing her to giggle.

"Do you really have to go out with him?" Jerome sighed, leaning back and lacing their fingers together, staring at her with puppy dog eyes and a pout.

  "Baby, we went over this. You've gotten to know my family and I want to develop a closer  relationship with your brother. Your twin brother. The only person who gets you better than me. Unless you want me to go find your mother or uncle?" Elsie raised a brow, a smile peaking on her face when Jerome shuddered.

  "I'd rather go shopping again with your mom than imagine you searching for Lila." Elsie laughed and at that moment, Jeremiah decided to make his appearance.

"You ready?" Elsie twirled her car keys around her finger and gave Jerome a quick kiss goodbye before slipping into the driver's seat.


   Elsie's POV

  I wasn't sure if my visit with Jeremiah was a good idea, Jerome certainly made it clear he detested the idea of me spending the day with his brother "If he even looks at you cross-eyed, you let me know and I'll take him down."
   But I was determined to connect with Jerome's brother, he made the effort with my family, (which when you thought about it, wasn't very hard to do, Jerome was very likable, my father loved him and my mother fed him, even my own brothers preferred him to me.)

  "They have a section on Henry the 8th that's supposed to be spectacular." I hinted, holding up the map that was offered at the front doors.

  "The architecture from that era was very articulate." Jeremiah agreed and we proceeded to explore.

   When we finally reached King Henry the eighth's exhibit, I immediately ran over to the painting of Catherine of Aargon.

"She actually was first married to Henry's elder brother. But he died shortly after their marriage," I explained once Jeremiah had come to stand beside me "She never stopped loving Henry, even after he divorced her to marry Anne Boylen. She stayed strong to the end, always remained everyone that she was the king's true wife." I smiled at the painting with pity.

Catherine never had a choice, she didn't get to choose her first marriage out of love, and when she finally developed affection for her second spouse, he left her for a younger woman.

"Very tragic indeed, but 'whoever loved that loved not at first sight'?" I stared at Jeremiah.

  "You know your Shakespeare," nodded impressed "but we loved with a love that was more than love-"

  "I and my Annabelle Lee," Jeremiah smirked and adjusted his glasses.

  "Let's.... um.... let's go see what's over there." I cleared my throat and tried to ignore the growing heat in my cheeks.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

After our exploration of the museum, Jeremiah offered to treat me to lunch, and we stopped at a pizzeria.

  "God I love Italian food. My dad's mom, my Nonna, she makes to make the best pasta and biscotti." I took a sip from my glass of wine.

   "I thought you had some Italian features." Jeremiah pointed out.

  "Yeah, my dad's Irish-Italian and my mother is Mahican-Native American." I explained, breaking a piece of my breadstick and popped it into my mouth, crunching happily.

  "That explains your loveliness." Jeremiah winked and luckily for him, our waiter chose that moment to bring our meals out.

  I was confused by Jeremiah's sudden forwardness, all of the previous encounters we'd had been brief and polite.

  When we finally left the restaurant, I was just fishing for my car keys when someone suddenly rushed passed me, causing me to lose my footing and start to fall rapidly to the ground.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact of the pavement but it never came.

Opening my eyes, I stared up at Jeremiah who's arms were supporting my weight.

  I felt my breath hitch as we gazed at each other, and before I could even register it, a pair of soft lips were pressed to mine.

  I was shocked, but the kiss was so soft and so sweet, I was tempted to melt and enter a dreamlike state but the thought of Jerome had me pushing him away and I stared at Jeremiah in disbelief.

  "What the hell Jeremiah?!" I wiped my mouth and glared at him "I can't believe you just kissed me... I'm dating your brother!" I snapped.

  "You know Elsie, I honestly don't see why you see in Jerome. He's not in his right mind." Jeremiah defended and I shook my head.

  "No, I think that's you!" I spat and turned to speed walk back to my car.

  "Elsie, Elsie listen!" Jeremiah grabbed my arm and I struggled to get away "Jerome is dangerous ok? When we were the He tried to set my bed on fire, he's threatened to kill me. He's got an unhealthy obsession with you and I can't bear to imagine what he'll do to you." Jeremiah's eyes were wide and frightened as he stared at me pleadingly.

  "What... I can't believe you're saying this about your brother, you know Jerome warned me to be careful about you. No, Jeremiah, I don't care to continue this conversation. I'm willing to drive you back to the circus but I would prefer no conversation with your sarcastic ass." I frowned eyeing him weirdly.

Jeremiah let out a sigh, but nodded, allowing me to lead.

When we pulled up the circus, Jeremiah hesitated before opening his door.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't tell Jerome about what happened....." Jeremiah asked quietly.

"I can't do that. Jerome is my boyfriend and we don't keep things from each other. You have given me no reason to do you any favors anyway." I hissed, and opened my own door and rushed to the trailer where Jerome sat on the steps.

"Hey. baby, how was it? Elsie?!" Jerome caught me as I slammed into him, tears falling from my eyes "Elsie what's wrong?!" Jerome was alarmed and he pulled me slightly away to look me over, his eyes filled with concern.

I took a breath to smooth out my breathing before I addressed him.

"Jeremiah, he was acting weird and then he kissed me and he said terrible things about you." I sniffed, wiping my eyes.

I watched Jerome's face darken and he nudged me aside and marched up to his brother who was attempting to inch his way into the swell of the multiple tents.

"Jeremiah! You asshole!" Jerome roared and chased after his brother's retreating form.

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