Chapter 47

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Elsie listened to the dial before the phone was answered.

"Hello?" Her heart thunders her chest and she took a breath.

"Hi mommy." She whispered, tears springing in her eyes.

"Elsie?! Hi honey... are you alright?!"

"Yeah mom. I'm okay. Are you guys okay? Where are you?"

"We're with your aunt And Uncle in Seattle. Darling how are you?"

"I'm good. I'm good. I actually had the baby yesterday."

"My grandson?! Oh how is he?"

"He's good. Healthy and he's so beautiful mom. I wish you could meet him."

"I wish I could too baby. But Gotham isn't safe to rerun to. Are you sure you're okay there?" Ariel's voice was laced with concern.

"I'm fine mom. Jerome's looking out for me as always." Elsie smiled fondly.

"..... And how is he." Her mother tired to sound to sound uninterested and bitter but the worry was there in her voice.

Despite everything, her parents still loved the ginger manic, they knew it was a mental illness he suffered from and as much as they would have preferred their daughter to be with some one sane, they knew there was no separating the two, unless they wanted to lose Elsie forever.

"He's okay. He's really happy with the baby. Jason seems to calm him."

"..... Jason? You named him after your brother?" There was a hitch in her mother's voice and Elsie winced.

"Is that okay. Shit, I'm sorry mom. I should have asked you..... I'm sorry I'll change it-"

"No! No, I'm happy. Thank you Elsie. That was a wonderful thought." There was a sob in her mother's voice that sent a wave of guilt through the new mother.


"I hope I can someday meet him. When you get a chance can you send us a picture? I'm sure your father, Dylan and Adam would love that."

"Of course mom," Elsie looked up when Jerome re-entered the hotel room, removing his sunglasses and kicking off his shoes "I have to go mom.."

"So soon? Alright. Thank you..... thank you for calling..... I've been so worried about you...... I love you Elsie....."

  Elsie felt a pang in her heart and blinked away the developing tears that only the separation from your family, especially your parents could create.

"I love you too mommy. Bye." She whispered before hanging up and quickly wiped her tears, thankful Jerome had headed straight for the baby perched on her other side surrounded by blankets.

"I went exploring in the hotel, caused a little ruckus in the kitchens." He chuckled as he rocked Jason in his arms, snuggling the baby.

"Jerome......" she scolded lightly.

"I know, I know Elsie. But I was feeling tense and I needed an outlet." Jerome brought the baby up to him and sniffed him before wrinkling his nose.

"He needs a diaper change."

Elsie eyed the pair, shaking her head "That's not my son, that's your son."

"I changed him when you fed him at 4am this morning. It's your turn."

"No, while you were out I changed and fed him twice. He's all yours big papa." Elsie patted Jerome's cheek before heading to the kitchenette.

She could hear Jerome groaning and complaining from the bedroom and silently laughed to herself as she poured a glass of juice.

In Gotham, Jeremiah was tapping his fingers against is oak desk. He'd heard through the grapevine that Elsie had delivered her child while on vacation where ever that was.

A boy.

An heir.

And he was Jerome's.

He could always steal the child, hide him away where no one could ever find him..... and ...

No, no. Jeremiah had no patience for children and Jerome would be hellbent on finding him no matter how long it took and surely would torture Jeremiah until he begged for death. That would be annoying and unworth it.

Finding a healthy ovum and placing his own seed and producing his own children would be pointless and also be an annoyingly boring nine months.

  Besides the only one, he would ever consider baring his children was wrapped around his brother's scarred hands.

  Forcing himself on her was out of the question. Despite the sin of murder, Jeremiah was above holding someone down and raping them.

   He'd murder any of his men, despite their talents if he learned they were a rapist. He'd sooner die, especially after Katarina-

  No. He would not think of her.

"I could always visit him in secret. A watchful secret guardian, build trust as he grows older and once he reaches a particular age, I'll take him away." He mused aloud.

"That is the stupidest plan I have ever heard." A feminine voice laughed quietly from behind him.

"I thought you had left." Jeremiah closed his eyes too tired to entertain his current lover.

"I was, but then I noticed that blonde female terminator of yours watching me like a hawk and I decided to stay a little longer to piss her off." Macy moved to sit on the desk and crossed her arms.

"Why is my plan stupid?"

"Because. You know Jerome, as soon as he gets back, he's going to do everything he can to protect his son. He might seem like an idiot, but he's pretty damn smart," Macy nodded to herself before glancing down at Jeremiah and leaned down "he would hunt you down and tear you apart and Elsie couldn't stop him."

"And I am the baby's Godmother and as good as you are in the sack, I will stick a knife through your eye and rip out your tongue before I let you lay a hand on that kid." She wasn't giving him a threat or warning, she was making a promise.

"I admire your loyalty to my less than perfect twin. I don't suppose...." he glanced at her belted stomach and she flinched back.

"Don't even think about it sexy Pennywise," Jeremiah's eye twitches at the mocking nickname "I had my tubes tied years ago."

"It was worth a shot." He shrugged and leaned back.

"Why do you want a kid anyway? Are you lonely?" She cooed reaching out to stroke his hair and he slapped her hand away with a glare.

"No. An heir means someone to continue my legacy and the last thing I want is for people to remember Jerome. He was supposed to be dead, but like a dolphin, he keeps baiting the shark and narrowly escapes death's embrace."

"Mmmm. Your adopted parents must have really had fun taking you to Disneyland huh?" Macy climbed off the desk and dusted imaginary lint from her leather clad body.

"Well, I gotta go, I have a bounty to go hunt. I'll see you later Puddin'." Macy kissed Jeremiah deeply before pulling away.

"You know I despise that name." He snarled and she laughed.

"And that's why I call you it. Bye Puddin'."

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