Chapter 18

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Elsie accepted Jerome's hand as he led her away from the truck and into a run down old building in The Narrows.

"Why are we here again?" She asked for the eighteenth time.

"We're here to visit my dear old dad," Jerome said darkly but swung their linked hands back and forth.

"Jerome...." Elsie started warningly, stopping his childish tic.

"Quiet now Elsie." He scolded her lightly and with a sigh, she complied.

If the outside of the building was disgusting, the inside was revolting. Pealing and chipping aged paint revealed a hideous floral wallpaper that gave Elise claustrophobia. The air had a thick dust and wet mold scent that made Elsie scrunch up her nose and she shrieked, clinging to Jerome when a large rat ran past her. He chuckled, making her glare and punch his arm. "Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." He cooed mockingly and she huffed.

When they reached a door that looked exactly like the previous ones; Jerome picked the lock and silently crept inside. Elsie followed reluctantly, noting out of the corner of her eye, an older woman with a high ponytail, dressed in leather standing in the shadows.

She furrowed her brows at her, catching the woman's attention who smiled coyly, pressing a finger to her lips with a wink. Mr. Ciscero was sitting in front of his tv, seemingly unaware of the four in his house. Within seconds the woman had wrapped a whip around the old man's neck, causing Elsie to gasp audibly.

''Hiya Pops, long time no see.'' Jerome chuckled while Elsie stood watching uncomfortably as the two gagged and tied up the blind old man.

  Elsie was perched in Jerome's lap (against her will, mind you) Jerome's right arm wrapped around her waist as he stared at his father who faced them, despite being blind. "Ah, the silent treatment. Here I'll tell you a story,'' Jerome shifted Elsie slightly so she sat more comfortably on him, causing a blush to rise onto her caramel colored cheeks ''Do you remember Kansas City dad? The circus went through town, every spring right around my birthday. There was this guy, eh and my mom used to drink, and fornicate and beat the crap out of me. They would make a whole night out of it.'' Jerome sat forward and Elsie was turned so she sat across his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck so she stayed steady.

''And I remember one time, it was my ninth birthday. He and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning and beating up Jerome and were deciding on taking a little break. Anyway,'' Jerome patted Elsie's bottom to get to stand and she did so silently, moving back a foot as Jerome strolled towards the table in the kitchen area, picking up a knife! "I was outside the trailer and you were there and you said 'Why're you crying, Jerome?' 'it's my birthday and my mom and the snake guy are beating me,'' Jerome mocked himself, but Elsie's heart still broke at the idea of a young Jerome being abused, especially on his birthday by the people who were supposed to love him.

A part of her wanted to gather him into his arms and smother him with kisses and love, but she restrained herself.

The woman was tossing things out of the fridge, completely ignoring the situation while Jerome continued as he examined the knife.

''And then you said 'this world doesn't care about you or anyone else Jerome, better to realize it now,'' Jerome deepened and rasped his voice to sound like his father. Elsie felt a wave of disgust towards the man, had it been too difficult to show your own son an ounce of compassion?

''And that was it,'' Jerome turned back to his father with a smile ''Ya see, there's this guy dad, he believes in me, he thinks I'm gonna be a star and tonight, all of Gotham will see that too. Except for you, cause you'll be, you know dead,'' Jerome removed the cloth from around his father's mouth, ''And unlike you, I actually have someone who loves me. My Elsie here, she's the light of my life, the only person to care about me and I love her with a passion that you nor my bitch of a mother could never fathom.'' Jerome turned his attention to Elsie to blow her a kiss, making her blush, silently cursing herself, for allowing him to have that effect on her.


''Is this the part where you say how sorry you are? Hmm? How you should have believed in me. How it's not too late to start again?'' Jerome grabbed his dad harshly, ''News flash dad. It's too late!'' Jerome hissed.

''You don't have to do this,'' Cicero begged.

''No, I'm pretty sure I do.''

''I was a bad father, but I did love you... To kill me for that...'' Jerome scoffed began to begin laughing.

As Jerome began to explain the cover story of his father's death, Elsie watched as the dark-haired woman came to stand before her, examining her up and down before smirking at her.

''You're very beautiful,'' She blurted and Elsie blinked, dumbfounded.

''Thank you...?''

''Get away from him before you're dragged into the darkness.'' Was her word of advice before she started walking back over to Jerome and his father, Elsie watched her, confused.

''There's nothing to eat in this dump. Finish up and let's go. Your girlfriend looks like she's about to faint.''

''Sorry you're going to miss my big night dad. But, you're psychic. So tell me, do I kill?'' Jerome grinned.

''You, will be a curse upon Gotham. Children will wake screaming at the thought of you," Elsie was taken aback and somewhat disturbed by his words, "Your legacy will be death and madness...'' The old man seemed to be in a trance ''And the girl-the one you hold close to your heart...." Jerome's grin faltered at the mention of the girl who's head lifted at the sound of her name.

''What about my babydoll?'' Jerome narrowed his eyes ready to choke the old man if need be.

''Her beauty will only grow as time passes until she is desired by many men, especially your closest enemy. But you two will love with a love that will be more than love-until death separates you, though even through that itself that, she will manage to be with a part of you for years to come.'' Elsie was highly confused and a bit disturbed by the prediction and seemingly so was Jerome but he quickly got back to the point, leaning into the elder's face.

''HA.HA.HA. Well, say hi to Mom for me.'' Jerome pulled back, ready to stab his father and Elsie felt her being tense.

''Jerome no!'' She took a step forward and not even a second later, a sudden knocking on the front door halted Jerome and he quickly covered his father's mouth.


Everything seemed to move in a blur, the only thing Elsie remembered was Jerome stabbing his father before grabbing her hand and dragging her outside, pushing her towards the stairs but not enough to cause her to trip.

''Wait for me by the car and don't even think of running away. GO.'' He instructed her and panicked she complied.

As they rode back to where ever it was that Jerome stayed, Elsie couldn't help but think about the prediction that the blind man had said.

''Jerome? Do you think what he said was right? I mean, did you even understand what it meant?"' She furred her brows, glancing at her lover who was speeding through Gotham.

''Not really babycakes. But the main thing is, we love each other and we'll be together till death do us part. Isn't that a romantic thought?''Jerome smirked, reaching out to take her hand and squeezed it.

''But Jerome....''

''Don't worry about it Else.'' Jerome rolled his eyes and refocused on driving. Elsie kept silent after that, but a particular line kept repeating in her head.

''But you two will love with a love that will be more than love until death do you part, and even through that, she will manage to be with and gain a part of you for years to come.''

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