Chapter 129

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Elsie's POV

Jeremiah led me down the hall and into a formal living room, where a large hole, (obviously blown in) stood next to the fire place.

I absolutely could not believe what I was seeing. A couple were seated on the couch and they resembled Thomas and Martha Wayne perfectly.

  But they couldn't be.

The Waynes were buried in the Wayne family plot in the massive acres of land that the family owned for generations, and I knew this to be true, because Bruce had taken me once to 'meet' his parents before everything went down.

"Aren't they perfect," Jeremiah's breath tickled my ear and I had to resist swatting him away "Bruce will be so happy I've done this for him." Jeremiah sounded positively giddy.

  If I didn't know any better, I'd say this obsession he had with doing things for Bruce's praise and approval was almost a bit romantic.

   But that's besides the point.

  Jeremiah has created two people to look exactly like Bruce's dead parents.

Shaking my head, I looked at the father of my twins with what I hopes showed my extreme disappointment.

"How could you..... everything else I can understand... but doing this to Bruce? What can you possibly expect to gain from hurting that poor boy?!" My voice grew louder with every word as I slapped and punched his shoulders.

"Please excuse us, Elsie's stuffing from dehydration." Jeremiah apologized to the Wayne-no, they were not the Waynes. They were imposters.

Once we were in a separate room and Jeremiah had closed the door, he turned on me, a furious look that usually wasn't directed towards me.

"Hurt him? Hurt? All I've ever done was try to make you and Bruce happy! Everything I do is for you both and you never appreciate it." Jeremiah's voice broke and I shook my head.

"What do think this is going to do to Bruce?"I whispered but Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

"Reliving that day over will help him. Trust me," I scoffed rolling my eyes and Jeremiah frowned.

"I'm beginning to get annoyed by you Elsie, so I think it's best we go back to our company. When a man in my position tells you something, you better listen because your life could depend on it." He growled lowly and I took a step back in disbelief.

"Did you just threaten me?" My voice hitched slightly and Jeremiah pursed his lips, eyes calmer.

  "I'm sure the children are hungry by now." Jeremiah's voice had a warning edge to it but I was too angry to care.

"No! You just threatened me. How dare you threaten me Jeremiah. How dare you." I screeched, pushing him with all my force causing him to stumble.

Once he regained his footing, he redid something that surprised me.


I fell to the floor with a slam, pain emitting my elbow that I had landed on, but nothing compared to the burn that stung my left cheek.

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