1: wanna build a snowman?

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"Marinette!" Tiki, my red and black spotted qwami called out shaking me awake. " You need to wake up, or you will be late for school. "
"Ah!" I said looking at the time. I had only twelve minutes to get ready. "Thanks, Tikki!" I called, running to my closet to grab out my usual outfit of a pink shirt with a black jacket, leggings and my flats.
I grabbed my backpack and purse (with Tiki in it), and ran out the door, putting my midnight blue hair in pigtails.
"Marinette, have a donut before you go!" My father, a plump baker, called out to me as I zoomed down the stairs.
"I can't! I'll be late." I said as I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Here, I packed you some to go. You can share some with your friends at school." My mother, a petite Chinese woman, said handing me a bag, used to me waking up late and hurrying out the door.
"Thank you, mama!" I said, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek, before running out the door.
I ran to school, barely stopping myself from tripping six different times.
I was walking up the schools steps as I heard the bell ring.
I sighed.
I was late.
"Where you been, gurl?" Alya Cèsaire, my best friend asked, as I snuck into my seat next to her.
Alya had reddish brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. She wore her usual ensemble of a plaid collared button up tee, blue jeans, sneakers, and her black rimmed glasses.
"I woke up late." I sighed. "Again."
"Your on a roll! Second time this week and it's only Tuesday. "
"I'll be on time tomorrow." I said optimistically.
"Mhmm. " she responded, unbelieving.
"Okay class! I have an exciting announcement." Ms. Busier said. "The entire high school will take part in this year's musical, Frozen."
Excited whispers filled the room, mine included.
"Wow, how exciting! I hope I can be on costume design!" I said, flipping through my sketch book.
"That's what your excited about?" Alya laughed, raising an eyebrow.
"What are you excited about then?" I asked her.
"Not sure, but it's gonna be better than costume design." She teased.
"Well I'm gonna get the lead roll." Chloe, a blonde haired, life sized Barbie doll smirked. She's also my arch nemesis.
"Yeah!" Sabrina, Chloe's brown haired nerdy slave, agreed.
"This sounds like a lot of fun." Adrien said with a smile.
Adrien. Adrien Argeste. The love of my life. He had freeflowing natural golden hair, the fairest skin in the world, and a pair of twinkling emerald eyes.
He was my soulmate.
I was just waiting for him to figure it out.
"Mari, girl. Your drooling." Alya said elbowing me in the side.
I blushed at the ground, embarrassed. But I mean who wouldn't drool? This is Adrien we're talking about!
"Everyone is required to audition for leading roles." Ms. Busier said.
"What?" Nino, Adrien's dark haired and tan skinned best friend, asked.
"As part of our new program, to help students try things outside of their comfort zone, we are requiring all students to at least audition for major roles." Ms. Busier explained.
"When are auditions?" Rose, a girl with shotlrt pixie cut blonde hair and always wore pink, asked excitedly.
"After school today. I have a handful of scripts that you all can share and am going to give you the remainder of the hour to rehearse." Ms. Busier announced.
The classroom quickly formed groups and started rehearsing.
In my group was Alya, Nino, Adrien, Mylène, and Ivan.
Mylène was a short girl with a curvy figure, and a hippy style. Ivan was a big husky guy that usually wore black.
"I think I'm going to go for Olaf." Alya said.
"Hey! That's who I wanted." Nino said.
"What about, Sven?" I suggested.
"Well, if he is Sven, I want to be Christoph." Adrien said.
"Then Marinette can be Ana." Alya said giving me a wink.
My cheeks started to blush.
"That leaves me as Hans." Ivan noted.
"And me Elsa." Mylène said happily.
"Ok! Let's start!" I enthused.
And together we practiced over the parts.
It was now after school, and I waited at the end of a long line of people auditioning for Ana.
"Aren't you nervous?" Tiki whispered from my purse.
"Only a little bit. I'm okay if I don't get the part. I just want to be on the costume design committee. " I explained.
"Well you will do great anyways." Tikki smiled at me.
"Thanks Tiki." I smiled back. "But I don't want to get my hopes up. There are tons of talented upper classmen who are more likely to get the part."
Eventually the line got shorter, and it was my turn. I walked into the auditorium and was greeted by the principal, Mr. Damocles, the head of the drama department, Mrs. Jean, and Ms. Busier.
"Thank you for coming, Marinette." Ms. Busier said.
"Oh yea, no problem." I smiled.
"Lets see what you got." Mrs. Jean said.
"Ok...." I took a deep breath, and started.
I made myself fall backwards, as though someone had pushed me.
"Hey!" I yelled.
Ms. Busier, catching on to the scene I was renacting voiced in for the part of Hans.
"I'm sorry. Are you hurt." She said.
"Hey. I-ya, no. No. I'm okay." I said stumbling over the words, just like the script said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm okay." I said shyly.
"And cut!" Ms. Jean said. "That was absolutely perfect. But can you sing?"
"Umm...." I replied embarrassed.
"Well go on." Mr. Damocles persisted.
"Elsa...Please, I know your in there. People have been asking where you've been. They say have courage and I'm trying to, I'm right here for you, just let me in...We only have each other. It's just you and me. What are we gonna do?" I sang, then paused. I then added in a weak teary voice. "Do you wanna build a snow man?"
All three of them stood up and applauded.
"Thank you for coming in. Who got what will be posted on the billboard tomorrow." Mrs. Jean said.
"Thank you." I said and left the auditorium, with a good feeling in my gut.

This is my first and hopefully not last Miraculous fanfic. I just wanted to clarify that I do not own Miraculous, Frozen, or any of the characters in the story. Thanks for reading.
Xoxo ocelot101.

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