3: frozen Heart

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It was after school and I was just arriving at practice for the musical.
I saw Adrien and Nino walk in coming toward a us.  Adrien wore a bruise on his forehead, that made me think about what happened with Cat Noir last night. I still felt bad about that.
"Adrien,  what happened to your head? " Alya asked.
"My head?  Oh yeah.. I,  uh,  fell. Ha clumsy me. " He chuckled.
"Ha. Well I'm glad that your ok. " I smiled,  thinking about how if I married Adrien and had kids,  they would be clumsy too.
"You ready, Mari?" Alya asked as we entered the auditorium, removing me from my thoughts.
"I wouldn't necessarily say that..." I trailed off.
"Okay! Is everyone here? " Mrs. Jean asked.
There was a murmur of yesses.
"Ok,  we will be starting from the beginning of Act 4. I need Ana to enter stage, and Harold, you will be voicing the Squire. " She said.
"That's you Mari. " Alya said,  pushing me on stage.
I was blushing but was able to manage laying down.
I was so excited and nervous at the same time.  I hoped I could meet everyone's expectations.
There was a knocking noise and then Harold's voice.
"Princess Ana? "
I sat up groggily, getting into character.  I, coughed,  snorted then, pulled an imaginary price of hair out of my mouth.
"Huh? Yeah? " I yawned.
"Sorry to wake you ma'am, but-"
"No,  you didn't,  I've been up for hours. " I yawned against,  stretching my arms out in the air for extra measure.
I let my head roll to the side,  closed my eyes and let out a loud snore,  causing a couple of people to laugh. My head fell off my shoulder, and I shook my head awake.
"Who is it?" I whined tiredly.
"Its still me ma'am. Time to get ready."
"Ready for what?" I asked.
"Your sisters coronation....ma'am " Harold voiced.
"My sisters... Corn-noration... " I spoke,  opening my eyes a little.
And they seemed to fixate on something as I suddenly sat up straight, eyes wide awake.
"It's coronation day!"
I bolted up right,  a huge smile on my face and-
"Cut! That was perfect,  Marinette. " Mrs.  Jean beamed at me,  then turned to Harold with a dull work.  "You could work a little harder."
We reversed that scene for more times before Mrs. Jean was satisfied.
"Wow,  you were great Marinette! " Adrien said as I walked over to where, him,  Nino,  and Alya were.
"Okay..... Celeste,  we are just going to skip to the part where you are making your castle of snow. This is your biggest scene so we need it to be perfect." Mrs. Jean spoke to a white blond haired senior with deep blue eyes.
"Yes, Mrs.  Jean.  I'll give it my best.
I almost had to do a double take.  She looked almost exactly like Elsa.
I watched as she really walked up to the stage and the music started.

"Snow glows white
On the mountain tonight
Not a foot print to be seen

A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like
I'm the queen

The wind is howling
Like the swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in 
heaven knows I tried

Don't let them in
Don't let them see
Be the good girl you
Always have to be

Don't feel
Don't let them know
Well now they know"

I was mesmerized by what powerful Celeste had,  it was like this part was meant for her, and I'm glad she got it.
However,  not everyone seemed to feel that way.
"Omg,  she's terrible!" Chloe said,  annoyed.
"Yeah,  you could have done way better... " Sabrina agreed loudly.
Celestes's voice wavered, as she sang,  overhearing the conversation.
"Boo! Get off the stage and let the professional- moi- take over." Chloe announced.
Celeste stopped,  mid performance, and ran out of the room in tears.
"Chloe! That's mean. " I said.
"Yeah,  you went to far. " Adrien added.
"What did she ever do to you?" Luca added.
"Hmmph." Chloe refused to answer,  shrinking lower into her chair.
"You guys stay here. I'm going to see if she's ok. " Mrs.  Jean said, exiting out of the room.
"It's not my fault someone can't take criticism. " Chloe said.
"No, what you did was called bullying,  and you can really hurt someone by saying mean things. " I told her.
"Celeste was great,  and your just jealous because you didn't get the part.
" Excuse me? Do you know who-" Chloe started.
"Let me guess. 'Do you know who my daddy is? " Alya added.
"We get it. He's the mayor." Nino said,  rolling his eyes.
"Whatever. I have better things to do anyways. " Chloe said, exiting the room with such anger that not even Sabrina bothered to follow her.
"Marinette! " Tiki whispered from my purse.
"Yes, " I asked the qwami discretely.
"I feel a lot of negative energy in the air. "
"Me too, Tiki. This can't be good. "
Something told me this was going to be a long day.
A young aspiring actress who didn't get what she deserved and another, incriminate for trying her best.
How terrible.
Terribly perfect for my next victim.
Evilize her, my little akuma.
*Akuma finds victim*
Ice Queens, this is Hawkmoth. I have given you the power to fight for what you deserve.
In return, you must give me Ladybug's and Cat Noirs's miraculous.
"Yes. It would be our pleasure. "

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